End of Invasion

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Yami looked in the direction where the voice came from. On top of one of the destroyed buildings stood Sasuke. Yami hadn't expected his brother to come here out of nowhere.

'How did he even find me here?' Yami thought. Knowing it wasn't an enemy, Yami focused his attention on Kimimaro. He wasn't going to let Kabuto go back into Orochimaru's hands.

"How will I know that Orochimaru won't use his body for nefarious reasons like he always does?" Yami asked. Kimimaro flinched when he heard that. Even he wasn't sure that Orochimaru wouldn't do anything like this. A hint of doubt and sadness flashed in his eyes, making Yami smile. By this time Sasuke came and stood beside Yami.

"Who is this guy? and who is behind him isn't he the one we small during the first exam?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes that would be Kabuto but I saw him kidnap and run away with Hinata so I killed him. This guy is his ally and only wants to take his body back." Yami explained.

Sasuke thought for a few seconds as he looked at Kimimaro and Kabuto's corpse on his shoulder. He then looked at Yami and said "I think we should let them go."

'THIS IDIOT' Yami screamed in his mind. 'He has become too soft because of my presence. I am kinda missing that emo revenge-driven Sasuke from the canon.' Yami thought.

Sasuke knew Yami wasn't convinced by this decision so he decided to explain his reasoning "The chaos has increased too much and the main objective right now is to drive the invaders out of the village as soon as possible so as to save maximum lives. This guy came from the edge of the southeastern barrier and there are a few of his allies still there. I knew I couldn't take them on so I didn't attack them but if we try to attack him now then they could come in as well. The civilians haven't been cleared from this area. No one had anticipated this attack."

Yami wasn't surprised when he heard this. Yami had created obstacles in Orochimaru's plan from day one. Due to suffering so many setbacks, Yami knew that there was a high chance Orochimaru will call his subordinates to give extra support in case of some unexpected surprises. That unexpected surprise was Yami himself.

Kimimaro felt a little relieved when he heard Sasuke's words about letting them leave. But he could that Yami would rush toward him as soon as he moved. " *sigh* You are right. Orochimaru might try to do some kind of experiment on Kabuto and that's the kind of man he is and I don't have the authority or the power to stop him from doing so. But I can hide away his body in such a way that Orochimaru can never find him."

Kimimaro's words hadn't convinced Yami in the slightest and he knew the risk was still there but Sasuke kept looking at him as if asking 'Are you convinced now?'

"Leave" Yami said and Kimimaro without wasting any precious seconds jumped away. Yami then looked at Sasuke and said "You go ahead I will come back after surveying the area."

"I already did that. Except for the ones waiting outside the border, there is no one here and you are crazy enough to follow that guy for just a corpse." Sasuke retorted in a big brother tone.

Yami clicked his tongue but then instructed one of his bats to see where Kimimaro was burying Kabuto's body. He would later have Zabuza destroy it or he will do it himself.

"So what's happening inside the village? Is everything alright?" Yami asked. He had readied himself to hear the news of Hiruzen dying and then act shocked but what Sasuke said next really shocked him.

"Hokage sama fought Orochimaru inside the barrier. Orochimaru had brought back The first and Second Hokage to fight for him and Hokage-sama was going to lose as no one could interfere in the fight due to the barrier. But then Karin came ahead and said being from an Uzumaki bloodline she can affect the barrier and make it weak. Yellow chains appeared from her back and started to cover the barrier which made the barrier weak and susceptible to physical damage. And then a white long-haired man along with a woman broke the barrier. Yami you should have seen it. The woman is so strong that she made half of the barrier crumble with just one punch." Sasuke said showing his own fist. Yami could see Sasuke was excited seeing all this. A fight of this proportion is not something one can see every day. Yami had instantly known that the two were none other than Jiraya and Tsunade. But what were they doing in the village at such a time?

'Jiraya I can understand as he has his own information network and was able to make it back. Though I don't understand how he didn't find out about the invasion in the canon. But the main question is what is Tsunade doing here? After reading that scroll she should have gone even farther away from the village.' Yami was lost in thought but Sasuke tugged at him and said

" I am not done explaining yet. After the barrier crumbled, Hokage sama along with the man and the woman sealed the 2 Hokages in coffins and attacked Orochimaru. Then Orochimaru summoned a big purple snake and attacked them. He once even came out of his own mouth and with sheer trickery, he was able to cut off Hokage-sama's one arm and even stab him." Sasuke said with a hint of anger.

"How is Hokage-sama now?"

"Last I heard Kakashi sensei told me Hokage-sama used some kind of a seal to kill Orochimaru but were unsuccessful and had gone into a coma. The woman and Karin were able to bring him back from the jaws of death."

'Are my good deeds coming to bite me in the ass?' Yami thought. He never would have imagined that his action to save Karin would have this result. Now he wished he should've killed her in the forest' Yami chuckled at the thought.

'Well looks like the world wants me to take care of Tobirama's disciples with my own hands.'


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Link in the synopsis as well.

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