Konoha's Softies

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Everyone suddenly turned toward the direction from where the sound came from. Even Shigeri and the grass genin turned their heads in that direction. The last thing they needed was another team to butt into this whole mess.

"YAMI" Sasuke shouted as he saw his younger brother whose clothes were almost soaked in blood.

'I should have changed my clothes. The snake's blood is all over.' Yami thought as he glanced at his own attire.

"Who is he?" Karin asked Sakura.

"That's Yami. Sasuke's younger brother and the one who told us about you." Sakura said while looking at Yami. Even she was worried as to whose blood was on Yami's clothes.

Seeing the worried faces of his brother and his teammates, Yami waved his hand and said "None of it is my blood. Just killed an animal." Sasuke was relieved when he heard that. He couldn't imagine who could bring his prodigal brother to such a state but now that Yami had cleared off the misunderstanding, he felt good.

Neji who was quiet the whole time glanced at Shigeri and then at Yami and asked "Yami what did you mean when you said there is a solution to all this?" Neji had been thinking of a safe way to keep Karin in the hidden leaf without causing any problems between the two villages but he couldn't think of even one practical solution.

Yami smirked and said "It's simple actually. We will make the hidden grass believe that she died in the forest of death. That way she can stay in the village for a few years and even if the hidden grass finds out about her being alive in 2-3 years, they won't mull over the past for just a genin who they don't even value much. "

Hearing that the hidden grass doesn't value her made Karin a bit sad but she knew this was the truth and luckily this is what will help her escape from the claws of those grass shinobis. Everyone liked this idea but they knew that this idea would be impossible without the assistance of their jonin sensei as well as the Hokage. Naruto was confident in convincing the old man to let Karin stay in the village and Neji knew that Guy would no doubt welcome the redhead. The only one who needed convincing would be Kakashi.

Listening to the plan Yami just narrated, Shigeri looked at Yami with an angry expression and said "Do you think it is that easy to fool our jonin sensei? And why do you think we will keep our mouths shut?"

Karin wanted to request Shigeri and the other genin to keep her being alive a secret but then she saw Yami shake his head and said "Don't you know the saying? Dead man tell no tales" he said and winked.



Everyone just heard a short buzzing sound and some purple sparks for even less than a second and the next moment, Shigeri and the grass genin's heads fell down from their heads. The two genins died without even knowing what and how they were killed. Even the Konoha genins along with Karin couldn't figure out whether Yami used a spell or his sword. They didn't even see Yami touch his sword or even perform any hand signs.

"D-Did he j-just?" Karin asked with a fearful expression on her face.

'When did Yami's speed increase to such an extent?' Sasuke wondered. Even he couldn't see what had happened. He doubted he would be able to counter it even if his Sharingan was active.

"Did you really have to kill them?" Naruto asked. He never thought he would see any killing happen during the chunin exams.

Sakura would've fainted if she was the canon one but this one had seen a lot of bloodshed on the bridge in the land of waves. Seeing two more headless bodies wasn't much big of a deal for her now.

Karin wanted to cry but she could only feel a knot untie in her chest. It was as if her suffering was slowly coming to an end. She looked at the bloody head of Shigeri lying in the pool of blood. She remembered all the times Shigeri cursed her and treated her as a healing tool. She couldn't think of a better punishment for the guy.

Yami jumped from where he was standing and lightly landed in from of the Konoha genins. He had gained a good amount of control over wind. At first, it was only to increase his air time but in the land of waves, he even created invisible blades made of condensed wind to chop the mercenaries, and now he could create an air pocket under his feet to cushion his landing. He wanted to reach a level of mastery that even his enhanced hearing doesn't pick up on his movements.

"Was it truly necessary?" Neji asked with a cold expression on his face. He had killed a couple of people on his missions but never kids. This is the first time he even saw a kid die and the one doing the killing was none other than his own teammate Yami.

"It would make a better convincing story if all three of the grass genins die. And in this way, the grass shinobis will never find out that Karin is alive. Did you think that those two would've kept their mouths shut after listening to our plan?" Yami said while pointing toward the headless corpses.

Neji shook his head and said "What you said does make sense. But why did you tell the plan in front of them?"

Sasuke interrupted before Yami could answer "You intended to kill them from the very start."

Yami felt a little annoyed at the behavior of his teammate and his brother. He glanced at both of them and said "Why are you two getting so worked up over two genins?"

'How did I forget that in the anime these Konoha shinobis were softies? I changed many things but this is not something I could change. Hope they don't drag on the death of these two trashes and annoy me more.' Yami thought as he knew he had a headache coming.


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