You Leaving?

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Tsunade and Itachi discussed a few more things and Itachi also relayed the information he had on Akatsuki. They also discussed other things like what signal he is going to give when he comes back to the village.

Tsunade insisted on Itachi getting himself checked by Tsunade so that she can start the treatment which Itachi instantly rejected. He didn't want to do anything that would blow his cover. After many assurances that the Hokage library cannot be spied on and it is covered in seals, Itachi agreed to meet her 2 nights later for an initial checkup.

"I will need to leave the village now with Kisame."

Tsunade shook her head and said "Kisame was one of the seven mist swordsmen and is an S-rank criminal. We can't just let him leave the village." Tsunade couldn't forgive an S-rank criminal entering her village and creating such a big scene.

"Everyone in the Akatsuki works in pairs and always stays together. I have a good rapport with Kisame so he won't get suspicious if I disappear for a few hours 2 days later. If Kisame is captured here or died here today, I will be given a new partner and that new partner could find my disappearance suspicious. We have to think about the long game here Lady Tsunade." Itachi laid out his point of view. He also knew that if Kisame is captured then the masked man could enter the village to get him out and this could create another big fight.

The masked man was now behaving like an intern in Akatsuki and if Kisame dies here then the new partner that will be given to Itachi would most probably be the masked man himself. If that happens then forget about escaping for a few hours, Itachi won't be able to even fake his own death.

Tsunade weighed her options properly and said "Fine...we can try our best to send him out of the village alive and getting him out depends on you."

Itachi nodded and said "Don't worry about that. I can easily escape from here with him." Itachi was confident in escaping by using his summons to disperse his original body and he can also create enough chaos for Kisame to escape.

"Now stop the genjutsu and let me out. Thanks to you and the higher-ups my hands are going to be full when I become the Hokage." Tsunade grumbled.

"One thing I forgot to tell you. When I end this genjutsu, you will feel a lot of pain. Approximately the amount that you went throughout the Tsukuyomi."

Itachi expected Tsunade to grumble about this as well but Tsunade's face turned serious again as she said "For a jutsu to be this overpowered, I am sure the price to pay is not small."

Itachi smiled a little and said "It isn't small but it's worth it." Tsunade knew Itachi didn't mean that the genjutsu was worth it but the sacrifice he gave to cast such a genjutsu was worth the lives of the hidden leaf citizens and his brothers.

"Did you get a chance to meet your brothers? Or even know how they are doing?" Tsunade asked to which Itachi shook his head and said "When I left that night, I did behave harshly with Sasuke. Yami was sleeping in his room as he always had a weak body. I am sure both of them hate me for killing the clan and our parents. I hope Sasuke is taking care of Yami."

"Looks like you are totally in the dark." Tsunade commented which confused Itachi.

She continued "I haven't seen any of them fight but I have heard and read a lot about them. Although Sasuke was first in every year of his academy, he is nowhere as good as you. He hates you to the bone though. His aim in life is to kill you and avenge the Uchiha clan."

"Sasuke will become strong enough in the future. I am sure of it and as for his hatred I planned to let him see it till the end but now plans seem to be changing." Itachi wanted to die by his brother's hands but now the enemies of the hidden leaf were too strong for Itachi to leave them be and his brothers were no longer under the 3rd Hokage's protection.

"Now to talk about your youngest brother, Yami Uchiha. He graduated before Sasuke and is said to be strong enough to defeat an elite jonin. Kakashi himself said that Yami's aptitude and talent are way higher than even you Itachi. But one thing that bothers me is that no one is able to grasp what your brother wants. He doesn't seem to have any hatred for you or remorse for the Uchiha clan's extinction. He is a mystery to me so I hope you can keep an eye on him when you re-enter the village." Tsunade said.

Itachi always remembered Yami as the one who had the most innocent eyes and always ran around his mother and only came to him if he ran out of chocolates. Itachi found it hard to imagine that kid brother of his as a shinobi.

Itachi nodded in understanding and stopped the Tsukuyomi cast on Tsunade. She suddenly felt a tremendous amount of pain and fatigue assault her body. She quickly fell to her knees and screamed "ARGHHHH"

Itachi now had a thin streak of blood flowing from his left eye. Hearing the scream Jiraya along with Kakashi and Kurenai jumped next to Tsunade. They didn't know what happened to Tsunade but they knew she was not in the state to protect herself so they decided to protect her. Kisame also took a breather because of this and jumped right beside Itachi. He saw the blood coming from his eye and said "You shouldn't overuse it Itachi."

"I had to...We can't get what we came for now. Let's leave." Itachi suggested.

"Tsunade...are you alright?" Jiraya asked in a concerned tone.

"Don't worry Jiraya... it's just pain. I can handle much more than this." Tsunade said as sweat trickled down her forehead. She didn't think the fatigue would have such a big effect.

By this time Asuma also came back with a few Anbus and said "The civilians nearby are being evacuated and I also got some backup."

'I hope you can escape as easily as you said Itachi." Tsunade thought as she saw Kisame's carefree expression.

Itachi's body started losing its shape and it formed into many ravens. and were dispersing in many directions.

"They are escaping" Kurenai shouted.

"I don't think we can stop them. Especially Itachi." Kakashi said.

Even Kisame was now ready to escape in the chaos but just then the trees around started vibrating and the ravens that were spreading started croaking and started to come together.

"What's happening?" Asuma asked.

Jiraya was the first one to answer as he said "It's a sound attack that is affecting the ravens." The ravens grouped together and formed Itachi's figure again.

"What happened Itachi? No one is able to stop you from doing this." Kisame said. Itachi didn't answer his question and looked around to see who was capable of doing this and sure enough, he heard a voice the next second.

"You leaving brother?"

Itachi looked to the side and so did Tsunade and the leaf Shinobis.



To read 13 extra chapters go to my Patreón

Link in the synopsis as well.

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