Killing Cloud Shinobis

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"Are you alright Temari? Are you hurt anywhere?" Kankuro asked. He was the eldest of the three siblings and he cared about Temari the most because he had never been close to Gaara.

"I am alright. Due to the senior's warning, I was able to block the attack but who are these two?" Temari asked.

"These people must be with Shinzo. They aren't bandits but shinobi. Seems like Yami was right that Shinzo isn't a traitor." the sand Jonin said. Yami with the 2 bandits was completely ignored by both the other parties.

Akio looked around and then said "Haraku finish what you started by killing the girl. I will take care of the jonin." then he looked at Yami and the 2 bandits and said "You three team up together and kill the kid who is using puppets."

Lightning arcs started appearing around Akio and Haraku. Haraku rushed toward Temari who was a bit on the defensive and Akio clashed with the sand jonin. The fight was on equal footing. when they suddenly saw something fly past him and crash on the wall.

Whatever it was, it flew just past Haraku. He was fighting Temari at the time and was startled when something just whizzed by. He quickly moved back and looked in the direction the thing went in. He saw that it was a bandit who had crashed there.

Haraku looked at the two bandits still standing who were Yami and the burly one and said "You idiots, even three of you can't take care of a kid?" he then looked at the bandit who had just fallen and he was groaning "You go and help those two finish the kid."

Yami quickly said "Sir I will help him up. Don't worry." he said and went to pick the fallen bandit. Haraku was standing close to the bandit looking at him in disdain. Temari and Kankuro also got a moment to breathe, so Temari said "I don't think I can handle this cloud Shinobi alone Kankuro, you need to kill those bandits fast and help me out here."

Kankuro nodded and the siblings looked at the bandits and Haraku. They wanted to attack the already injured bandit and finish him off but seeing that Haraku was there and their senior couldn't provide them with backup, they could only watch. While Yami was helping the bandit up Haraku harumphed and said "Senior is fighting with the jonin. We have to kill these two."

Yami said in a cold tone "I see three enemies". Hearing this made Haraku frown while even Temari and Kankuro were confused until everyone there heard a sound.


"Whaa..." Haraku said as he looked down and a black katana had stabbed his heart. Everyone's eyes widened seeing this scene. They couldn't understand why a bandit would kill the shinobi and how could he? someone who doesn't even have a shred of chakra.

Before the bandits could react Yami threw a kunai and stabbed the burly bandit's eye.

"ARRRRRR" the burly man screamed.

'I should have coated the kunai with wind chakra' Yami thought and pulled the sword from Haraku's chest and turned toward the last bandit.

"Pl-please~~d-don't ..." the man started to beg but with a swift motion Yami beheaded him. He then looked at the siblings who were sweating profusely and were on guard. Yami simply lifted his sleeve and showed them the ribbon.

"Y-Youuu...Yami. How did you?" Kankuro asked. Yami didn't say anything and simply winked.

Temari was a bit angry at all this and said "Why didn't you let us know that you were among the bandits? Why hide the ribbon?" she said while gnashing her teeth.

"Because Akio could have noticed all three of your gazes on my ribbon and I could save you in hard time. Let's go help your jonin take care of Akio." Yami said and rushed toward the fight happening between Akio and the sand jonin.

'I need to launch a sneak attack on Akio. I can't afford to hold back in this case.' Yami thought and deactivated his ankle weights. He wanted to use purple lightning as well but he wasn't confident in controlling the speed. He may accidentally cut down the sand jonin with his purple lightning.

After removing the weights Yami felt light like a feather. He completely disappeared from Temari and Kankuro's vision.

After a few seconds, he saw the sand jonin and Akio fighting. The sand jonin was on the defensive and he had a few wounds on his body. Yami knew that Akio could finish the fight with one decisive attack so time was of the essence. Yami covered his sword with wind chakra and bolted toward Akio.

The sand Jonin and Akio both noticed the attack. Akio tried to block the sword slash with his kunai but the next second he saw that the sword had cleanly cut his kunai and had left a deep diagonal wound on his chest. Blood gushed out from the wound and Akio groaned. The sand jonin was surprised seeing that one of the bandits attacked and even wounded Akio and then his eye fell on the ribbon making the sand jonin sigh in relief.

"Youuu...who are you?" Akio said in his usual heavy voice.

Yami smirked and undid his transformation and also switched on his Sharingan.

"Yami Uchiha."

"Uchiha? Even on the last leg this clan produces monsters." Akio said. Yami wanted to take the bodies but Kankuro said "Yami you go and help Kakashi deal with Shinzo. We will take care of things here." The sand jonin and Temari also nodded.

'Tsk...I will have to find another way to get the corpses.' Yami thought as he turned toward where Kakashi was and bolted. Kakashi was already fighting alone from the start and now he may be wounded more than before. The only thing Yam could hope for was that Guy had reached to backup Kakashi by now. Yami tried his best to keep the show of his strength under wraps in front of Kakashi and the sand Shinobis. But now he may have to go all out.


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