Doubtful Kakashi

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Yami and Sasuke came back to the stadium where the entire thing had started. Yami looked toward the side where one of the village's walls had partially collapsed. This was the entry point for the big brown snakes that were being summoned. The entire stadium was swarmed with Anbus and shinobis. The doctors were healing the injured civilians and shinobis. In times like this taking the injured people to hospital and healing them was not an effective way so only those who were critically injured were taken to the hospital.

"Everyone is there...let's go" Sasuke pointed in the direction where Kakashi along with other jonin instructors and their students were sitting. They all looked tired and exhausted. They had never imagined that something like this would happen inside their village. They were too used to peace that they forgot how the outside world was.

Yami also saw a few doctors along with the group. Seeing the doctors Sasuke asked "Who is injured?" Kiba who was standing the nearest looked behind and said "Its Lee, Naruto and Karin. Lee is in a serious state. Naruto and Karin just exhausted themselves and fell unconscious."

"SASUKE" Sakura shouted as she ran toward him. "Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? Where were you?" She bombarded the poor boy with questions.

"I am fine. I went to find Yami." Sasuke said.

As soon as the word Yami came out of his mouth, Kakashi turned back and asked "Yami where were you?"

"I sensed some enemies on the other side of the village so I had gone there." Yami replied knowing that Kakashi wouldn't believe him a bit. Kakashi also knew Yami was lying but he decided not to question him in front of everyone. There was one question that was bugging Kakashi from the start of all this so he decided to ask "Why did you set up lightning clones near those intruders? How did you know that they had nefarious motives?"

"They were shinobis but dressed as civilians. They were trying too hard to mix into the crowd but couldn't tone down the vigilance that a shinobi has everytime a sound was made around them. By using this method I was able to round up the entire group as they were all looking at one guy who was sitting in the middle. I guessed he might be the one who decides when to take off the disguise."

'Even if he felt someone was suspicious, why would he send a lightning clone. He wouldn't do something like this unless he intended to do this from the start. I don't know what is happening in the kid's mind but I don't think it is anything bad. He reminds me so much of Itachi. Always trying to shoulder everything alone.' Kakashi thought.

While Kakashi was thinking, Kurenai along with Anko came from behind and said "Kakashi I think you should take Naruto back to his house. He needs rest."

Kakashi nodded and then looked at Anko and asked "What about Karin? Is she alright?"

Anko folded her hands and said "No need to worry about her. She just used too much of her powers. I had Hayate and Yugao take her back home. The girl really outdid herself by unleashing those chains. I would've never thought she had this much power in her."

"Well she is from the Uzumaki Clan. They were always known to be strong and knowledge about fuinjutsu seals and barriers. " Kurenai said.

"What happened to Naruto and Lee?" Sasuke asked.

"Lee opened the Sixth gate and fought a big brown snake. He even threw the snake away from the village and killed those who were coming In from the outside. Using this much power took a toll on his body and he is admitted in the hospital. Guy is with him." Kakashi said. He then glanced at Kurenai and Anko and said "Naruto fought with Gaara and so he was injured as well."

The grownups didn't want to the kids to know about the tailed beasts. The fact that Naruto had taken care of Gaara and Shukaku outside the village was a blessing or the number of casualties would have doubled or maybe even tripled.

"Naruto was able to fight Gaara head on?" Sasuke asked in a surprise. He could see how strong Gaara was when Yami was fighting with him and Naruto was able to fight someone like that.

"Yami Uchiha" A voice came from behind the group. The entire group including Yami looked back and saw Hiashi along with Neji standing in front of them.

Yami knew why Hiashi was here so he didn't bother asking and just came a few steps forward.

"Yami I wanted to thank you for saving Hinata from being kidnapped." Hiashi said while doing a small bow. For such a clan's Patriarch to bow in front of a 9 year old kid was a shock to everyone. Even the doctors and the nurses who were healing the people around stopped their healing and gawked at Hiashi and Yami. There was no change in expression on Yami's face even after all this and he simply said "You are welcome."

It was a very simple reply and no one felt anything odd about it but Hiashi was taken aback with this answer. He turned around and said "Neji let's go. We have to see if anyone from our clan has been injured or not."

Neji wanted to stay with the group but he couldn't bring himself to say this to the clan head so he said his goodbyes and went with Hiashi.

As Neji and Hiashi were walking Neji peeked at his uncle Hiashi and asked "Patriarch if I may ask, why did you suddenly leave?"

Hiashi looked at Neji for a few seconds and then sighed as he said "Neji the answer I expected would be that Hinata is his friend or else she is his comrade but he just said welcome. Do you know what that means?"

Neji was confused by this and asked "No...I don't see anything odd about this."


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón

Link in the synopsis as well.

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