The Battle on the Bridge Part 1

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Kakashi raised his hand and stopped both of them from completing the sentence. He stood up from the rock and said "Forget this ever happened. You will face such instances in the future as well and may have to turn a blind eye to things. Go and get some sleep. Tomorrow you have a big battle to fight and Yami has already done his part. Sasuke if you perform properly tomorrow then I will teach you a jutsu that both me and Yami worked on." he then looked at Neji and said "I am sure Guy has a lot of hopes from you so don't let him down. Hyuga techniques are really efficient in managing a crowd."

Sasuke and Neji looked at each other and in both their minds they had started considering each other as rivals. They both looked back at Kakashi, nodded, and went inside the house.

Kakashi looked back at the door and muttered "Yami what goes on in that mind of yours?"

THE NEXT DAY--------------------------------------------------------------

It was already morning and everyone was quiet at the breakfast table. They were all worried of today's fight. Naruto who would usually wake up late and laze around was also ready with everyone. The most stressed was Sakura as she felt someone had just put her in front of a tiger. She wanted to protect Tazuna and his family but she knew how weak she was. Today was the first time she would have to fight someone for real and maybe even kill him. Tsunami was aware of Sakura's emotions but she could do nothing about it. She herself was in fear for her family's life. Sasuke and Neji would take glances at Yami who was in his own thought. Yesterday he discovered that when he doesn't have a sword, assassination becomes a hard thing to do. He had decided to have the old man make a hidden blade bracer like that in assassin creed and so he was now thinking about the design and everything else.

Inari had lost his appetite due to all this had looked like he would cry any minute now. Naruto saw this and smiled brightly

" you will see how I will beat up Gato and goons and send them crying." he said patting his chest. Kakashi smiled seeing his optimistic student cheer up the kid.

Inari looked up at Naruto and said in a low voice "You said the same thing before your match with Yami but then you just dropped on the ground."

Hearing this Naruto choked on his own words and the others on the table could help but let a chuckle escape their mouth. Lee was the only one that could laugh openly as he was always like this. Naruto glared at Lee and then looked at Inari and said "So what? I will keep trying until I beat him. And with all of us here, how could we let anything happen to you, old man Tazuna and aunt Tsunami. Your mother and grandpa will be safe and I Naruto Uzumaki promise you that."

Inari was impressed by these encouraging words as he wiped the tears welling up in his eyes. He looked at Naruto making a tough expression and nodded. He decided to become a strong man to protect his mother and his grandpa.

Everyone's mood was a little uplifted hearing this conversation. Might Guy looked at Kakashi and asked

"So what's the plan Kakashi?"

Kakashi looked at everyone and said "I think 2 people should stay here and look after Tsunami and Inari while the rest will be on the bridge ready to fight Gato and his goons. That way even if Gato sends someone here to capture Tsunami or Inari as leverage, two of us who stay here will take care of them. What do you guys think?"

Kakashi asked and his gaze stopped at Yami. Everyone looked at Yami as well. He looked the calmest and frail among them all as his perfectly sculpted body was always hidden under baggy hoodies.

Yami who was having breakfast at his own pace looked up as he sensed everyone's gaze on him. He looked at Kakashi and said "Sounds good to me."

Kakashi raised his eyebrows as he heard that.

'Seems like he isn't worried at all. He didn't just kill a handful of people last night, did he?' Kakashi thought.

Kakashi looked at Naruto and said "Naruto I want you and Lee to stay here and protect these two."

Naruto wanted to rebuke Kakashi's decision but he also wanted to personally make sure that Inari is safe. He nodded and turned toward lee who already looked excited.

"Naruto...we will protect them with all our youth" Lee said.

"Let's get going now." Kakashi said and everyone got up to leave.

Sakura slowly walked closer to Kakashi and asked "Sensei you want me to take part in the fight as well?"

Kakashi said "One day you will need to fight Sakura but that day isn't today. Today I want you to see those who are genins like you fight. I want you to know what you need to achieve to become a shinobi."

Sakura nodded and said "I understand Kakashi sensei."

"Kakashi, should we leave now?" Guy asked as he along with the others were standing outside Tazuna's house with Tazuna. Kakashi nodded and he left with Sakura. As they were heading toward the bridge they saw that many villagers were looking at them with eyes of pity. They wanted to support Tazuna in making the bridge but they were also scared for the safety of their family. A couple of villagers came to Tazuna and said

"Uncle Tazuna let us hide Tsunami and Inari till everything is back to normal. Gato won't hesitate to hurt them."

Tazuna patted the man's shoulder and said "Don't worry...Gato won't trouble us after today." and he started walking again.

As they reached the bridge they saw that a couple of mercenaries were already standing on the other side of the bridge and Gato was nowhere to be seen.

'And it starts.' Kakashi thought as everybody got in front of Tazuna to protect him.


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