Cloud Casualties

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Yami didn't body flicker like he usually does. He didn't want the shinobis who were guarding the market to get alarmed by someone unknown body flickering out. In normal times using such a technique would be fine but in times of emergency which he knew was now, only those who have received official missions are allowed to freely use ninjutsu on civilian roads.

Running behind Lee Yami reached the gate of the Hyuga compound. He saw that the number of Shinobis here was way more. Yami tried hard to remember if anything like this happened in the canon but he couldn't. The Hyuga clan was a relatively peaceful clan except for oppressing the branch family, so they didn't have any conflicts with other clans. Yami came to the conclusion that whatever has happened is new.

They both made their way toward the main compound where the head of the clan and his family lives. At the gates of the compound, Yami saw Neji and Guy were already standing. Neji who was always serious had a gloomy face. Even the ever-happy Guy looked worried. As Guy saw Yami come he said "Yami...its good that you are here. I was going to ask Kakashi to interrupt your seclusion training."

Yami didn't understand why Guy who was always encouraging them to train more would say such a thing. "Why Guy sensei? Is something the matter?"

Guy nodded and looked at Neji who understood that it was his chance to explain "5 days ago the outposts on the north-east side of the land of fire were attacked."

The first thing that came to Yami's mind while hearing this was the Land of Lightning. To the east of the land of fire was the land of hot water and after that was the ocean. The land of lightning was beyond the ocean but they had a good enough navy to cross the ocean and attack the land of fire.

Seeing Yami's mind run at full speed Guy stopped him "It's not what you are thinking. It wasn't the land of lightning."

Before Yami could express his surprise on this matter Neji said "We don't think the one that attacked was even a human."

Yami's eyes widened as he heard this. 'Did they get attacked by white Zetsus? Did the timeline get preponed for some reason?' Questions started arising in Yami's mind but Neji's next statement cleared all those thoughts and put him in a whole new thought.

"What attacked them seemed like a big animal. One that has never been seen. We don't know much about it but many people died in the attack. Luckily those outposts that had people from our clan realized the danger earlier than expected and quickly decided to take the necessary measures. Still, a couple of people from the fire daimyo and many people from the lightning daimyo died. 3 chunins and 1 jonins of our village have serious injuries and luckily we didn't have any casualties. They are all in the main house for treatment as their injuries are unlike ever seen and they are in a comatose state because of some toxin."

"The loss of the lightning Daimyo's side is way too much as compared to us but we both lands have decided to keep this matter under wraps just like they did during the forest of death incident. Right now all the civilians have been told that some members of a bandit group could have come inside the village or maybe roaming around the village." Guy said.

Yami nodded in understanding and said "That explains why the civilians are on edge. That is a bad move. A big animal won't roam around in the village in plain sight. They should have kept the whole thing hidden."

Neji shook his head and said "No that would have been impossible. I have heard that an information broker sold the info to a few wealthy merchants that a big fight occurred and many cloud shinobis died at the border of the land of fire. There were just cloud shinobis on the battlefield, so he must have assumed it was a fight between shinobis and bandits. To stop anyone from figuring out the real story, the higher-ups decided to let the bandits in the village story flare and it worked as well. No one knows that it was an animal."

Yami was bored by such a long explanation. But he knew Neji preferred to do things with discipline so he just sighed. 'The chances of the information broker being Kabuto is low. He wouldn't give out such information knowing full well that this could put the security around the village on alert and if things get out of hand, the last round of the chunin exams could be canceled as well.'

"Enough with all this discussion...let's just go in. Kakashi and his squad are already in." Guy said.

'So Sasuke is already inside. Why are the genins inside? Does it have something to do with the forest of death incident?" Yami thought. As they entered, Yami saw a few doctors huddling in front of a room on the left side. On the right side stood Kurenai with her squad, Asuma with his and Kakashi with his.

Seeing Yami, Sasuke waved his hand calling him there. Yami nodded and walked toward his brother along with his team.

"So how was your seclusion?" Sasuke asked. He tried his best to hide the excited tone in his voice but Kakashi and Yami saw through it instantly. Before Yami could reply, Naruto quickly ran up to Yami's face and asked "Did you learn any new jutsus?"

Yami took a step back trying to distance himself from Naruto and said "No...nothing new Naruto. I have more than enough jutsus in my arsenal."

Naruto groaned at this and was about to ask something but Ino just punched him on the head and said "Give others a chance to speak as well."

She then looked at Sakura who was about to do the same thing and said "Hey billboard, can't you keep your teammate under control?" Sakura wanted to roast Ino as well as beat up Sakura because she had to hear in front of everyone because of this idiot.

Ino made a cute expression to ask to enquire about Yami but Yami looked back and the door of the main house. Ino also gazed in that direction but saw no one was at the door. She was about to ask him about it but then three men walked out.

These three were none other than Hiashi Hyuga, his father, and the 3rd Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi. Hiashi's father who was speaking to Hiruzen suddenly stopped talking in the middle of the conversation and looked at Yami with his Byakugan activated.


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Link in the synopsis as well.

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