Chidori Training Part 1

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While Yami was in his room thinking why his elder brother hadn't tried to contact him, sound of footsteps was heard outside. Yami came out of his room and saw sasuke was at the door removing his shoes and his tools. As soon as Sasuke saw his younger brother at the door a smile appeared on his face.

" are here. When did you come back from the mission?" Sasuke asked.

Yami walked in the hall and sat down at the table and said "Just half n hour ago. I was about to go sleep. How are you so early from academy today?"

Sasuke also sat at the table in front of him and smirked "Today was sparring matches between us classmates. I came 1st as always."

Yami chuckled and said "You are going to make your younger brother proud."

"Hmph...I have practiced a lot the past week. No one in my class except Naruto can hold a candle to me."

'Looks like him sparring with Naruto on a regular basis has increased Naruto's strength as compared to his strength in the canon.' Yami was thinking when Sasuke said

"So tell me about your mission? Why did it take so long? Was it an A-rank?"

Yami gave Sasuke a deadpan expression and said "Why would the village give a genin team an A-rank mission? Did you exchange your strength for that brain of yours?"

Sasuke responded by saying "You are being awfully chatty today."

'Chatting with those bandits to remain undercover really made me a little chatty.' Yami thought with an embarrassed expression.

"Our mission was a simple C-rank bandit extermination mission. It took so much time because it was at the border of the Land of fire." Yami said. This is the mission Guy had told his three genins to tell if asked by anyone. Mostly it was meant for Neji as the clan head will surely want the report of the mission.

After talking for a few more minutes Yami went back to his room to rest. He knew tomorrow Kakashi was going to teach him some lightning jutsu and he wanted to be at his best condition while doing it. This mission had made Yami realize that having a good level of lightning armor can help in easily breaking Yami's genjutsu. He never thought that small shocks can also interrupt the chakra flow in the person's body making them almost immune to Yami's genjutsu. The more Yami's age will increase the more powerful his elements will become including his Yin and Yang and the more powerful his genjutsu will be.


Yami was sitting in the hall having some instant ramen for breakfast. Kakashi would be coming any minute now. Yesterday night Yami had tried to create a lightning armor of his own but ended up electrocuting himself a dozen times. The instability of the lightning element was too much of a variable in controlling anything made of lightning. Yami guessed that maybe this is the reason that many shinobis from the land of lightning pay so much attention to physical strength so that their body can survive the constant shocks from the lightning element.

While Yami was in a daze thinking about all this he finished the breakfast in front of him. He cleaned up everything and left the house. He came to the remote training ground where he trained with Kakashi the last time. After waiting for a few minutes he sensed someone coming. He looked back and it was Kakashi but this time his clothes were a little different. Instead of the common flak jacket, this time he was wearing a white gown.

'Isn't this the type of clothes he used to wear when he was Hokage in the canon?' Yami thought.

"What's with this wardrobe change all of a sudden? You found someone?" Yami asked.

Kakashi's eyes twitched listening to Yami teasing him "We haven't known each other for so long that you will know all the types of clothes I wear. And the reason I wore this today is that I wanted to teach you something different."

"And what would that be? Are you giving me the scrolls found on the Cloud Shinobis corpses?" Yami asked with a little excitement that didn't go unnoticed in Kakashi's eyes.

"That will happen after 2-3 days as everything is being investigated and settled. I have already talked to Hokage-sama about it."

Yami shrugged as it was the proper procedure and it was nothing out of the ordinary. He asked "Then what are you going to teach me?"

"Chidori" Kakashi said with a proud tone.

Yami made an ugly expression and said "That noisy jutsu?"

Kakashi froze hearing this and said "Brat do you want to learn or not? It is a jutsu created by me and no one has learned it. You have no idea how many people have fallen prey to it."

Yami chuckled and said "Just kidding Mr.Kakashi. I would love to learn Chidori. So let's start, shall we?"

Kakashi started explaining Yami about his understanding of the lightning element. He didn't go into much depth but just enough for Yami to understand the entire formation of Chidori. Kakashi was hoping that once Yami masters Chidori, he can improve it to become more powerful.

"Yami you need to remember lightning isn't about just destruction or shocking your opponent. The main aim is penetration. So when you use Chidori, you will need to grind your lightning chakra against each other just like you use wind chakra on your sword." Kakashi said.

Then he formed a Chidori in his left hand and approached a boulder. He slammed the Chidori on the boulder making a straight hole through it.

"See this? If this was wind chakra then the whole boulder would have crushed but lightning is all about concentrating everything at one point like a spearhead and increasing the penetration. Remember not to let your own hand get scarred in the process or else you might permanently damage some nerves."


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I am also writing a novel called 'Soul Spirit Ascension' so please give it a read and shower some of those powerstones.

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