Yami, the youngest Jonin

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"WHAT? Me??" Karin yelped suddenly catching everyone's attention. She never expected to be be accepted as a Konoha Shinobi much less be placed in a strong team like Team Guy.

Seeing the flustered Karin Tsunade smiled and said "That's right Karin. How many days are Hayate and Yugao going to keep babysitting you?"

Karin also felt a little embrassed as she heard that. She realized that she had been enjoying her life in Konoha with just roaming around the village, shopping with Anko and others she was taking advantage of Yugao and Hayate.

"If I may Lady Tsunade.." Lee interuppted "I thought Karin was going to be enrolled in the academy."

Tsunade nodded and said "Yes you are right Lee. She was going to be enrolled in the academy at first but after multiple theory and practical tests along with her performance during the invasion, me and Iruka deemed her fit to be a active duty shinobi. Though she won't be promoted to a chunin this time, she can be a part of your team as a genin."

Neji looked at Yami and then at Tsunade as he said "Lady Tsunade Karin has the ability to heal her allies and it is no doubt a good thing for the team but I myself have studied medical ninjutsu enough to take care of the team and I would prefer to not get healed by biting someone."

The last sentence did bring back a few bad memories for Karin but she had gotten over it in the past few weeks. Once when she was crying remembering all this, Anko had consoled her and told her about her story with Orochimaru and how she fought against her demons to get back on track.

"Neji I am not adding Karin into your team as a medical nim. I want her to fight alongside you. You guys don't know how strong the Uzumaki clan was. The adamantium chains that Karin is able to command is not something even a person at my level can scoff at. So don't treat her like a weakling." Tsunade said which made Neji nod and Karin hold her head high proudly. She also wanted to fight and protect others like Lee and the others had done for her and now she had gotten the chance to do that.

"Naruto is also an Uzumaki. Does that mean he also has the ability to use adamantium chains?" Sakura who was standing at the side quickly questioned. As Naruto's teammate, she was curious.

Tsunade chuckled at that and said "No that knucklehead doesn't have the ability. Though he has a big chakra pool which can be used in many different ways." Tsunade then turned to Guy and Yami as she asked.

"Guy what do you think? Is she good enough to be a part of your team? and Yami is she good enough to be your replacement?"

Guy looked at the slightly nervous Karin with a big smile and showed her a thumbs up." I couldn't ask for a better addition to my team Lady Tsunade." Karin was happy seeing that her new Jonin instructor was so happy about her addition to the team and also supportive.

"What about you Yami?" Tsunade asked and everyone looked at him.

Yami turned to the side to look at Karin and said "No matter what everyone says you are too weak to be my replacement much less be a part of Team Guy."

Everyone was a little surprised by Yami words including Neji and Tsunade. Karin instantly deflated as she heard that.

Yami wasn't done with his words as he continued "Your adamantium chains do have potential but you are too soft. You do not have the conviction it takes to kill someone. Your hesitation to kill during a mission may very well put Neji and Lee in danger and even get them killed."

Karin had heard about Yami being ruthless to everyone including to his own brother but she had never seen this side of him. Tears were about to stream across her cheeks when Yami said "Being Weak isn't a crime but staying weak is one. So you better not be too dependent on those adamantium chains of yours."

Karin didn't let those tears fall and firmly nodded a few times. When everyone thought that they would need to stop Yami from speaking more, he ended up making her more inspired.

'He knows how to play the long game.' Tsunade thought as she looked at Yami.

Guy stepped forward and ruffled Yami's hair as he said "Don't be so hard on her Yami. From tomorrow she will train in taijutsu with me and I will have her spar with Neji and Lee from time to time." he then looked at Karin and said "Don't be so nervous Karin...with my methods, you will be able to fight chunins in no time."

'Is he planning to tie those ankle weights to Karin?' Alarms blared in Yugao and Hayate's mind.

"Now all of you can leave except Yami. I have something to talk to you so stay back." Tsunade said. Yami expected it must be something related to Itachi and Kisame so he just nodded and stayed back. Even the others didn't question it as Yami was now a jonin and would be given assignments.

After everyone left, the only ones left in the Hokage office were Yami and Tsunade. As the last one to go closed the door, Tsunade looked up and said "You guys leave for now. I have something to talk to him about.

Instantly 4 Anbus appeared in the office and nodded. They also left the room instantly. 'She doesn't seem to trust her own guards completely yet.' Yami thought.

Tsunade sat back in her chair and said "Yami...you are the youngest Jonin in the history of the hidden leaf. Next week you will become 10 years old."

Yami didn't say anything and slightly sighed. Seeing this Tsunade got pissed and just stared at Yami as she said "Alright...you don't care about such stuff. Now tell me what do you know about the things happening in the outside world?"


To read 19 extra chapters go to my Patreón


Link in the synopsis as well.

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