Team Guy

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Kakashi and Yami both realized that they was someone from the root spying on them. They knew it was root because the spy had worn a full black cloak and a fox mask. Kakashi had spotted the spy because he was an experienced Shinobi who was also the leader of an Anbu team a few years ago.

Kakashi didn't stop even after realizing that there was a spy but he did look back to see whether Yami had discovered it or not. Yami did discover but he didn't want to alarm the spy or Kakashi so he kept walking inside the Uchiha compound like a normal person.

Yami spotted the spy because in the past 2 years Yami had trained himself with such discipline that not even a small amount of chakra could be leaked from his body. This gave Yami the capability to feel the chakra fluctuations around him. Even people who aren't shinobi radiate a small amount of chakra around them causing fluctuations that Yami can pick up if the distance isn't too much.

'Seems like Yami is oblivious to this. I am sure this wouldn't be on the instructions on Hokage-sama or else he would have given me a heads-up. I need to inform Hokage-sama.' Kakashi was thinking as he headed toward the Hokage building.

Yami on the other hand had expected Danzo to become active again, especially after the graduation exam.

'I have to go to Konoha hospital now. I can send a shadow clone there and it won't have any problem completing a D-rank mission with the team or even using some easy jutsu but if I have to spar with anyone from the squad or with Guy sensei then I will be found out. For now, I will personally go to the hospital and go as normal with the rest of the day. I want to know whether the mission is to keep an eye on the Uchiha compound or to specifically spy on me.' Yami thought as he reached home. The spy hadn't entered the Uchiha grounds as he wasn't aware if there were any seals in place to spot intruders. And the risk wasn't worth it as the only people staying inside were 2 kids.

Yami changed his clothes and wore his Konoha headband. He left the Uchiha compound and the spy was still there. Yami could not remember any specific chakra signatures so when he reaches a crowded place the spy's chakra fluctuation will get mixed with the crowd's and Yami won't know if he is being spied upon until he is back in an empty place.

*sigh* 'I need to learn how to distinguish different chakra signatures so that I will know if someone is spying on me in a crowded place. The spy is good enough that I can't feel his gaze on me. Well, he is a member of Root so I don't expect anything less from him.' Yami thought as he had reached the crowded streets of Konoha and he didn't know where the spy is or if he even left.

As Yami entered the hospital it didn't take long for him to spot two people wearing green spandex and talking loudly. Yami looked at Guy and Lee but couldn't spot Neji so he headed towards the duo.

"Guy sensei, Lee I am here. Where is Neji?" Yami asked standing behind the room making them turn back.

"Oh Yami you are here. Neji is taking a test with a doctor inside the room. Tell me how was your practice with Kakashi today." Guy asked.

"It was fruitfully but I will need to train with him for a few months to get notable results." Yami said and looked at the door beside him. Through the small glass window on the door, he could see that Neji was standing with a man in a white coat and they both hand a fish in front of them on a table.

'Today doesn't seem like a good day for fish fry' Yami thought. Yami sat down on one of the chairs kept outside the room while Guy and Lee were still talking.

"Guy sensei do you think Neji can do it?" Lee asked.

"Of course Lee, Neji is youthful. He can and will do it. Don't you worry about it. Let's go and run 10 laps around the hospital on our hands to encourage Neji." Guy said with a bright smile.

"YES GUY SENSEI. Let's go and motivate Neji" Lee said while throwing a fist up in the air and both the spandex-wearing weirdos ran out of the hospital. Yami simply sighed as he knew more of this is going to come in the future.

In a few minutes, the door of the room opened and the doctor stepped out with Neji following him. Neji saw Yami sitting in front of the room. The doctor looked around trying to find Might guy when Neji asked

"Yami where are Guy sensei and Lee?"

"There both are running around the hospital on their hands." Yami said to which the doctor facepalmed himself and Neji had the same expression which Yami had a few minutes ago.

"Neji for now you can leave with your team. I will prepare the documents and the badge of a medical ninja for you." the doctor said and left.

"Let's go outside and meet them." Yami said as he stood up and Neji nodded. Both of them exited the hospital in time to see Guy and Lee doing a handstand and walking while everyone around them was looking at them.

"Guy Sensei let's go Neji has passed the exam. He will get the documents later." Yami said to which both weirdos jumped and landed on their feet.

"THIS IS YOUTH. See Lee our motivation worked like a charm" Guy said and Lee nodded vigorously.

"Now where to Guy sensei?" Lee asked the question Yami and Neji wanted to.

"Let's go to the mission desk and get our first mission." Guy said and started running toward the academy where the mission assignment desk is located. Rock Lee also ran behind Guy.

Neji looked toward them running and then toward Yami and asked "You are also going to run with them?" to which Yami replied "No". This was the answer Neji wanted to hear because he didn't want to run behind them.

'Thank god now at least I can walk with him there' Neji thought when Yami body flickered out of there making Neji mutter angrily.



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