Controlling the Law Part 1

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"As you say Danzo-sama. I won't infiltrate the Uchiha compound when there are barrier seals spread out. What should I write in the report?" Mako asked.

'If Danzo finds out that Mako was able to infiltrate the compound he may start sending more of his people and treat this place as a public park. Saying that there are barrier seals setup may arouse suspicion as Sasuke and me both are minors.' As Yami was thinking suddenly an idea came to his mind and he said.

"Write that you couldn't infiltrate the house due to barrier seals. The seals seem to be set up by the Anbu and even some of Anbu members check on the compound from time to time."

"Yes, Danzo-sama I will write the report and deliver it to the root headquarters by tomorrow morning." Mako said and he saw the Danzo in front of him leave and vanish inside the dense forest.

'Even though I said so many confidential things, the seal on my tongue didn't act up which means Orochimaru truly did betray Danzo-sama.' Mako thought and after a few minutes, he wore his mask and again hid between the shrubs near the Uchiha gates.

The next morning at root's residence in a big hall two people were standing in front of each other. One was the head of Root Danzo while the other person was a man wearing a cloak and a dog mask. He had a scroll in his hand.

Danzo took the scroll from the man's hand and asked "Who did you send to spy on the Uchiha brats?"

The man hesitated and said "Lord Danzo I had sent Mako to spy on Yami Uchiha and infiltrate the Uchiha Patriarch's house to find communication between them and Itachi Uchiha b-but..."

Seeing the man in the dog mask stuttering so much Danzo had a frown on his face "But what?" Danzo asked but he saw that the man was still hesitating so he opened the scroll to read the report written by Mako.

The frown on Danzo's face continued to increase until he tore the scroll and threw it on the ground.

"HIRUZEN, HOW MUCH LONGER WILL YOU PROTECT THOSE BRATS. I will get you for this. Creating a barrier for the compound of those evil Uchihas and then even using Anbu to guard them. If I was the Hokage then I would have ended their Bloodline a long time ago. Hmph" Danzo said in an angry tone which made the man standing in front of him shiver.

"Have your squad search for the whereabouts of Itachi. GO" Danzo shouted making the man scurry away in fear.

'I need to get my hands on those eyes. I had to waste so many years and so much patience to get this arm made of Hashirama cells so that I could insert some Sharingans in them and Itachi spoiled everything when he took the eyes of his classmates with him. Even though the mission was given by me, he provides the intelligence report to Hiruzen and not me.'


Uchiha Compound

7 AM Yami's Training ground.

Yami was sitting at the corner of the training ground and he had a couple of wooden logs cut in front of him. Today he didn't have any training with Kakashi so he was free till 11 am and then he can start his next mission with Team Guy. It will probably be a D-rank mission or even a C-rank if the village is eager for them to learn the ropes.

"This isn't as easy as chakra control. Stick a leaf on your forehead and walk around like an idiot or just walk on trees or on water. Everything I touch with this living or not will turn to dust." *sigh*

Yami needed his devouring law control to be so perfect that he should be able to devour the seals on Mako's tongue. If anything goes wrong Mako is toast and Yami's plan will go down the drain.

Yami looked at his left hand which had the tattoo on it. He activated the law but this time he didn't let the law pass through his fingers smoothly like always. He tried restricting it to only his index finger. It felt like the nerves inside his fingers were burning but Yami didn't give up and continued restricting the flow of the black tattoo. The snakes on the tattoo started hissing as if they were angry. For a second Yami thought that they were looking directly at him.

'Ughh...even a fireball wouldn't hurt that much. But the main is lessening each passing second as if it is surrendering to my control.' Yami thought. After a few seconds, Yami saw that the snakes slowed their hiss and they didn't seem angry. This time instead of the entire arm becoming black, only the color of the index finger changed to black and the snakes also reduced in size and circled around the same finger.

"I did it." Yami was happy that he managed to control it so efficiently under just 15mins in starting the practice.

"Now I just have to touch the wood lightly so that I can devour only the outermost layer of the tree and only the one near the finger."

Yami touched the wooden log in front of him but what happened next scared Yami for the first time after coming to this world. The entire log got devoured in an instant and even the ground had developed some cracks.

"WHAT THE FUCK.." Yami screamed

He stopped the devouring law completely and massaged his temples.

"I thought I was controlling the devouring law by passing it only through one finger but I had no idea I wasn't controlling it but making it more concentrated and intense."

With this experiment, Yami knew that it was going to take a couple of days for Yami to learn to control this law. For the next 2 hours, Yami continued to start and stop the devouring law until he felt some level of control over its spreading and its intensity.

"Now let's give it another go"


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