Hole in the Barrier

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Uchiha Compound...

5:30 in the evening...

Yami was getting ready to ambush the root shinobi Sero that Danzo had sent to the hidden sound village. He was 90% sure that this package could only be from Orochimaru. No one else is worth contacting in the hidden sound. Due to the increased enmity between the hidden leaf and the hidden sand due to the bandit mission, the fact that Orochimaru will come and kill Hiruzen during the chunin exams next year was mostly set in stone.

Yami kept all the things he would need. He knew he can't leave the village just like that which is why he decided to do an experiment. The plan was to go near a secluded border of the village and devoured a little part of it. According to what Yami had read in his scroll about border barriers, the alarm is only sounded if anyone attacks it with chakra to destroy one of the seals or directly enters through the barrier.

Yami thought that he could devour a small part of the barrier creating a temporary hole that will fill up itself in the next 2-3 minutes. Still, Yami wasn't totally dependent on it as at 7:30 in the evening most of the merchants leave the village so Yami planned to transform into a merchant and sneak among the crowd.

According to Mako, the root shinobi Sero sent to bring the package should reach come near the village by 8:30 - 10:30. Taking more time than that could cause Sero to give an explanation and due to the curse seal, he can't even lie when Danzo asks him.

'I hope the scroll was right about there being no alarm for anything except damaging the seal or passing through the barrier. No one thought that he can even be devoured to create a hole.' Yami thought as he create 2 shadow clones. One will hide in the forest outside the Uchiha compound while the other will stay at home and do things like normal. He didn't want Sasuke to become suspicious.

Seeing that Sasuke was doing academy work, Yami swiftly left his house and rushed deep in the jungle. He figured that even if there is an alarm for this then later he can claim that someone must have tried to enter the Uchiha compound as they know not a lot of people live here anymore. This stunt might bring attention to him and Sasuke but it was a calculated risk.

After reaching very deep inside the forest, he came to the place where the barrier was placed. The barrier didn't have any color. It just looked like a solid glass bubble. It was invisible until someone came close to it. Yami activated his devouring law and lightly touched the barrier. The barrier which first seemed like a solid bubble suddenly became soft like a plastic wrap and was getting sucked into Yami's hand.

After a few seconds, the barrier became so thin that a hole of 5m in diameter was created. Yami put his hand through the hole to check whether there was any sort of alarm or damage that could happen due to this. But when nothing happened he quickly jumped to the other side through the hole. He looked back and saw that the hole had shrunk 0.5m by this time.

'At this rate under 3 minutes, the barrier will go back to a normal.' Yami thought.

He opened the scroll Mako had given him. This scroll contained all the info Yami needed to set an ambush. He had left the village only once so he had to be careful and will need to find the place shown on the map. He followed the map and headed in that direction. Practice on the training ground and in actual terrain are both different. Nothing can replace real-life experience.

After 20 minutes he reached the place drawn by Mako. He decided that putting Sero under a genjutsu would be a better option but it was risky as well. They weren't too far from the village and if he doesn't fall into genjutsu right away he may send a signal to the other root shinobis. If something like that happens Danzo will definitely suspect a traitor in the village especially one of the root shinobis who knew about this mission.

'I can't afford to make a mistake here. My only option is to kill him right away.' Yami thought.

He set up some traps on the branches above and also on the ground. They wouldn't kill or even hurt him. Just break his momentum and startle him. Yami dug a hole underground and hid inside while covering the hole with thick branches. The terrain was such that Sero wouldn't be able to see the ground where the hole was dug unless he is directly above it. Yami planned to attack before that happens. Now all Yami had to was lie in wait like a predator waiting for his prey.

Time passed by and just like that, it was 9:00. Sero would be coming any second now and this is why Yami had worn a black cloak and his sword was already unsheathed. He didn't want to waste his time doing unwanted movements. After a few seconds, Yami was able to hear some sound from the direction Mako had expected Sero to come from. Yami used his ears to get all the info about Sero's movements. Yami still wanted to be sure so he looked out of the hole which was among the branches. He used his increased eyesight as well as his Sharingan. Now he could see things in slow motion due to his Sharingan and he could see clearly in the dark as well as things that were far from him due to bat eyesight.

He saw a man in a black cloak and a fox mask. He could be none other than Sero. Even if it isn't Sero the man is definitely a root shinobi due to his attire. Yami waited for him to get a little closer and when he jumped on the branch two trees ahead of where Yami was hiding, Sero's feet were restricted by an invisible thing.

Sero was instantly startled and he tried to maintain his balance on the branch by applying chakra to his sole to stick on the tree and when he thought he hand stabilized, he saw something whizzing by him at an unimaginable speed.


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