The Final Round Part 1

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As the announcement was made, everyone settled down ready to see the kids fighting. This exam happened every 6 months but this time the matches were way more interesting than the others. The details about the preliminary rounds had already reached every part of the village.

Genma Shiranui, who was apparently the proctor, came into the middle of the stadium. He along with the others looked at the display screen on one side of the stadium. After a few names shuffled the participants for the first match were announced.

Sakura Haruno Vs Temari of the hidden sand.

The Konoha genins and their jonin instructors knew that Sakura was no match for Temari. But they couldn't say that to Sakura so just cheered for her. Temari stood in the middle of the stadium resting one hand on her fan and an arrogant smirk on her face.

Asuma leaned a little toward Kakashi and asked "What do you think Kakashi? How will she perform?" Apparently, he just whispered the people sitting closest to him like Kurenai, Yami and Sasuke heard it clearly.

"Seeing the performance that girl Temari gave during the preliminaries, Sakura doesn't stand a chance but this will be a good experience for her " Kakashi said. He knew that Sakura's overall strength was way lower than the other two but he believed that Sakura hadn't found her goal yet. When she does she would be unstoppable.

As the fight between the 2 girls started, Temari didn't use any of her wind jutsus. She tried to hit Sakura with the closed fan but Sakura managed to dodge a few and even go on the offensive. Temari blocked all of Sakura's attacks by using her fan as the shield. After around 30 seconds, Temari opened her fan and blew a strong wind toward Sakura. This caught the pink-haired girl off-guard and she didn't get the time to use chakra on the bottom of her legs to maintain balance and ended up slamming into the boundary. She stood up from the debris and saw Temari was ready to use another wind jutsu.

Sakura just sighed as she raised her hand up and said "I surrender". This didn't come as a surprise to anyone as it was evident that Sakura wouldn't be able to do anything in the face of wind jutsus.

"Winner of the First match is Temari from the hidden sand"

Everyone clapped as the match ended. As the winner wasn't from the hidden leaf the people didn't burst into cheers and the people of the hidden sand had come here to invade the hidden leaf so they were also in a serious mood.

As there was silence on the ground and people were waiting for the next match to be announced, Naruto stood and entered the stadium, and shouted "SAKURAAAAA....HOW COULD YOU GIVE UP...FIGHT AND DEFEAT HERRRR"

A tick appeared on Sakura's face who was exiting the ground. According to Naruto, he was encouraging her but for her, this was more embarrassing than the loss. She knew no matter how much Naruto cheered she couldn't win. Sakura looked at Sasuke who was facepalming himself. She then turned to Ino with pleading eyes. Ino understood what she meant and went up to Naruto and bonked his head hard.

"Shut up idiot. Stop embarrassing her." Ino said.

"OWWW...I was just encouraging her to fight till the end." Naruto said rubbing his own head.

Naruto then saw Kakashi and Sasuke sitting. He waved at them and rushed toward his sensei. Looking at Naruto Kakashi asked "Why are you late? If your match was announced first and you didn't come, you would have been disqualified.

Naruto laughed in embarrassment and said "I went to meet Karin. It took a while to find her. I wanted to bring her here as all the people from the hidden grass had left the village but she said she said she didn't want to risk being here."

Sasuke looked at Naruto and said "She is right you know. Even when she is with Hayate and Yugao, she wears a wig to hide her red hairs. This disguise of hers would be easily seen among all these shinobis. It is good at least one Uzumaki has brains." Sasuke smirked as he said the last part making Naruto more furious.

" are an idiot. All Uchihas are idiots." Naruto said. He knew Sasuke would successfully anger Sasuke. As the jonin instructors heard this, their eyes turned to Yami. They knew Sasuke would be furious but they wanted to see how Yami would react. To their surprise, Yami didn't react at all. As if he didn't even hear it.

'He doesn't have that Uchiha pride.' Kakashi thought as it reminded him of Itachi.

"NOW LET'S START THE SECOND MATCH." The announcer shouted and everyone's eyes went back to the display.


Everyone's eyes sparkled as they heard this. This is the match they were waiting for. Even Yami was excited about this match. He really wanted to see how his strength would compare to a tailed beast. Even though Gaara's control over his sand wasn't due to the 1 tails, it was a strong power in itself.

Gaara stood in the middle of the ground on one side of Genma while Yami stood on the other side. All the spectators were on the edge of their seats including Orochimaru and Kabuto.

"Are you both ready?" Genma asked waiting for a reply that didn't come. Instead, Gaara opened both his fists and sand floated out from his gourd while Yami unsheathed his sword and blue lightning started dancing around it.

"I have been waiting for this day." Gaara said. Genma raised his eyebrows as he sensed the strength of these two monsters was even more than him.

He just announced the start of the match and jumped back instantly. His instincts were right because as soon as the words came out of his mouth, streaks of sand flew toward Yami. It also targeted the area around Yami including the place where Genma stood. It wasn't just sand but spikes of it. Gaara wanted to pierce them through Yami and not give him a single chance to escape.

Yami didn't move from his place and just swiped his free hand in front of him creating a strong wind strong enough to push back the spikes.


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón

Link in the synopsis as well.

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