The First Mission

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I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone as today this fan-fiction reached 1 Million views. It hasn't even been a month since I started writing and you guys have given excellent support even though I sometimes write 'mana' instead of 'chakra' and 'spell instead of 'jutsu'.

I would also like to thank this month's Patreo-n supporters: Brady, Dani Otaduy, Alireza Akram, Pierre-Louis, SaLTY, shyheim Capers.


'I need to learn this jutsu.' Neji said and stomped the ground in slight anger and started running toward the academy as well.

After a few minutes, Team Guy was standing in front of the Mission assignment desk at the academy. In front of them were Hiruzen, Iruka, and a few others who Yami didn't recognize.

"Hokage-sama Team Guy is ready for their first mission." Guy said.

"Team Guy as this is your first mission your team will get a D-rank mission. Your mission will be to clear land for farming on the outskirts of the village" Hiruzen said while passing a scroll that Guy took and opened.

Iruka waited for Guy to take a look at the scroll and said "The scroll shows the parts where we want the forest cleared. No need to take care of the roots as they will be handled by the farmers."

'This is really waste of time. I should have sent a clone rather than coming here myself.' Yami thought.

After explaining a few more details, Guy officially accepted the mission and the who squad left the building and followed the map to go to the outskirts of the village.

'Now the crowd will reduce and I will find out whether I am being followed or not.' Yami got an idea.

As the whole team reached the designated place they saw that the place was full of wild shrubs and plants. There were a few trees as well.

"So Guy sensei, how do we do it?" Lee asked to which Guy replied

"Let's pull out each and every shrub and then destroy the trees."

Neji wanted to object and think of a more efficient plan but Yami quickly said

"Guy sensei why don't I burn the shrubs and plants with my fire jutsu and you three can destroy the trees."

"Guy sensei I can weaken the trees from the inside using gentle fist and Lee can use kicks and punches to destroy it." Neji said as he didn't want to be outsmarted by Yami. Neji had already felt a lot inferior for the past few years by losing to Yami, but now he wanted to surpass him at any cost.

"Okay, Neji what you and Yami say does sound like a good plan. Lee go with Neji and take care of the medium-sized trees while I will destroy the bigger ones." Guy said pointing towards a tree whose trunk was very thick. Guy knew that gentle fist won't affect such a thick trunk so he took it upon himself to destroy it.

'I should have brought my sword and this mission could be done within an hour.' Yami was thinking when suddenly he felt chakra fluctuation some distance behind him. This made Yami realize that the spy's mission was to keep an eye on him.

For the next hour, Yami used fire at a small scale to burn all the shrubs and plants. The spy was at a safe distance so he couldn't feel the intense heat coming from Yami's fire and Yami kept the size of the fireball to the level of a low chunin which would make the spy think that ninjutsu is not too much of a strong suit of Yami. After he finished burning down everything to ash he went to see how his teammates were doing.

He saw Neji using chakra-covered palm on the tree and then Lee would kick it making the tree develop a big crack and fall down. There were no shrubs near the land where his teammates were working so Yami decided to rest on a fallen tree.

After a few minutes, the rest of Team Guy was sitting on the fallen tree with Yami having lunch.

"Our work here is done kids. I will go and submit the mission. You three can go home." Guy said and Yami felt relieved as it was getting frustrating for Yami to not react to the spy's presence.

Everyone from Team Guy started to go in their own direction. As Yami was going to leave the crowded streets and take a turn to go to the Uchiha compound. He entered a dark alley. As soon as he entered the alley, he created a clone of himself and had the clone leave the alley and head straight home at a normal pace. Yami used transformation jutsu and turned himself into a normal civilian and stood in the alley.

Yami waited for the clone to reach some distance so that the spy won't notice the transformed Yami coming out of the same alley. After 30 seconds Yami left the alley as well and headed toward the Uchiha compound at a slow pace. He made sure to not leak even a shred of chakra. The chances of the spy being a Hyuga and noticing someone following him were slim to none as the Hyuga were a somewhat tightly knit clan.

As Yami reached near the Uchiha gates hiding in the nearby jungle he saw that his clone just entered the gates. Yami closed his eyes and tried to sense the chakra fluctuation of the spy and in a few seconds, he found the spy hiding between two shrubs.

'Using genjutsu with my Sharingan may startle him as I will need to confront him. He could fight back, run or even kill himself before falling into my genjutsu. I need to use sound-based genjutsu and I have just practiced it in front of Sasuke and Kurenai.'

Yami sneaked up behind the spy who had worn a black cloak and a mask. He performed the hand seals to put the spy in the genjutsu. As soon as the genjutsu was cast the spy flinched and quickly looked back.

'I hope he is in the genjutsu. Now is the moment of truth.' Yami thought as the spy looked at him and said

"Lord Danzo...You are here. I thought you told me to give you the report by the end of the night after I infiltrate the Uchiha compound."

' worked.' Yami screamed internally. He had used the sound of Danzo's cane to create the genjutsu making the spy believe that he was Danzo himself.

"I know what I said but I want you to tell me your findings now." Yami said making himself sound like Danzo. He had seen enough anime to know how the old goat sounds.


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Link in synopsis as well

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