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"W-What just happened?" Kurenai asked. From what she and the others saw was that the two intruders started twisting and disappeared altogether. Even the others were confused as the only space-related jutsu they had seen was the flying Raijin which belonged to the 4th Hokage.

Fukasaku glanced at Shima and then looked at Jiraya and said "Jiraya boy...this was a space jutsu that was just used. You may not have noticed but it wasn't initiated by the two you were fighting. Someone else pulled them in and whoever this person was will prove as a slippery opponent to you."

"I have never heard of such a jutsu. Do you know anything more about this Elder toad?" Tsunade asked.

Fukasaku shook his head and said "I have never seen or heard about this kind of space jutsu. What do you think Shima?" he glanced at his wife.

Shima thought for a few seconds and said "I don't remember seeing or reading about anything like this. He definitely wasn't using nature energy which means this is a normal jutsu. Jiraya I think you should ask that Senile toad Sage."

"That's no use Shima...he is so forgetful. It will be useless asking him this." Fukasaku said.

Kakashi interrupted their discussion as he said "Everyone I think we should save all these talks for later. Right now let's clean up the mess in front of us and in a few hours we will have to answer as to what happened here."

Kurenai nodded and said "Kakashi is right. There will be a lot of unrest among people. We need a way to quell it."

Jiraya thought for a few seconds and said "I have a way to make people forget this as a small incident."

"What would that be?" Asuma asked.

"Let's keep Tsunade's coronation as the 5th Hokage tomorrow. This will make the entire village busy. As for this fight that happened today, none of the civilians saw anything and the Anbus had secured the perimeter so we call it Tsunade having a spar and me." Jiraya said.

Tsunade looked at Jiraya with a deadpan expression and said "That is the stupidest explanation I have ever heard. And I will not lie to my people before even becoming Hokage. I will announce that 2 intruders had entered the village for nefarious purposes and we were able to stop them before they did anything but unluckily they escaped the village."

"But you won't be exposing that Itachi Uchiha was one of them? Now whose lying?" Jiraya smirked.

"Hmph...that isn't lying just hiding information and as the Hokage, it is my duty to not spread panic among the people. You know nothing about politics Jiraya so you better not interfere." Tsunade said in a huffed tone.

"Jiraya boy me and Shima will leave now. I will see if I can find anything about that space jutsu but I am not too optimistic about it."Fukasaku said and he and Shima disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"By the way, where is Yami?" Asuma asked as he looked around. Everyone realized that Yami was in the fight as well but now he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

An Anbu who was standing beside the group interjected "Yami Uchiha left in the direction of the Uchiha compound. As he didn't have any kind of injury, we didn't stop him for a checkup."

Tsunade nodded and looked at Kakashi "Yami held out quite well in front of Kisame and Itachi. Did you know that he was capable of this?"

Kakashi shook his head and said "No Lady Tsunade...I didn't think Yami was capable enough to push Kisame to this extent and as for Itachi, I believe Itachi wasn't even trying too hard. Itachi is way stronger than what we saw today."

"Kakashi tell Yami what the cover-up of this incident is. Do it before he even tells Sasuke. I am sure Sasuke would be furious that Itachi was in the village and he didn't even get to fight." Tsunade said. Kakashi raised his eyebrows as he had almost forgotten the hatred Sasuke held for his elder brother. 'I can't let Sasuke find out. I need to go to the Uchiha compound faster.' Kakashi thought and he body flickered away

Tsunade looked at the Anbu and said "Try to get the terrain as it was before the fight. Leave no trace of a fight here. Make sure to keep an ear out if any rumors started spreading." The Anbu nodded and got to work.

"Asuma you take Kurenai to the hospital and both of you get yourselves patched as well" Tsunade instructed. Though the love birds didn't have any life-threatening injuries, it was better to be cautious.

"Look at you Tsunade, already behaving like sensei. Managing people and thinking about the village." Jiraya said in a teasing tone.

"It's not like I can leave it in the hands of someone like you. Ugh...I am already regretting accepting this position." Tsunade said. She was already fatigued due to the Tsukuyomi and now she had to get the village to calm down and even be in the coronation ceremony tomorrow. Tsunade and Jiraya bickered for a few more minutes and then left. The only ones left near the village now were the Anbus who were trying to fix the craters that were caused. As they were doing this slight movement happened in the forest. Something came out of a branch of a tree. It looked like a big green bud but then it got divided in half and a humanoid figure was visible inside it. It was half white and half black. As he came out more from the branch it was revealed that he was wearing the same cloak that Kisame and Itachi were wearing. This was none other than Zetsu, another member of the Akatsuki organization.

"Yami Uchiha surely proved to be a surprise. He will be a useful pawn in the future. Itachi and Kisame acted on their own by coming here. Luckily they didn't delve into any information about the Akatsuki." Zetsu said unknowing that Itachi had already told everything he knew about Akatsuki to Tsunade in the Tsukuyomi.


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