End of the mission

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As soon as Sakura heard this she saw Lee and multiple Naruto jump from above her and tackle the mercenaries fighting with Neji and Sasuke. Sakura sighed in relief seeing that they now had backup. Using his leaf whirlwind Lee pushed back the mercenary keeping Sasuke engaged and the two behind him. On the other side, numerous shadow clones of Naruto had overwhelmed the 4 mercenaries.

The mercenaries who were still standing on the railing saw that their opponent had a backup so it was their chance to fight as well. The remaining 10 jumped in on the action as well. Naruto and Lee were currently fighting mercenaries but even they were somewhat tired after fighting the few people Gato had sent to Tazuna's house.

Lee and Naruto looked back at the 10 mercenaries in the air coming at them. Neji and Sasuke who were already on their knees also looked at the mercenaries jumping in to kill them. But then they all felt a calm breeze come from their left and pass to their right.

The clothes of the mercenaries also swayed but the next second their body split into multiple pieces. The ones who were already fighting with Naruto and Lee also weren't spared. They also died cut by the breeze. They didn't even know what cut them and how. Naruto and Lee quickly backed off seeing this. They looked at the side from where the breeze came from and saw Yami standing and pointing his palm toward the mercenaries.

Tazuna and Sakura weren't used to such graphic scenes. Sasuke had seen Itachi kill his clansmen and Neji had been on different extermination missions for the past year. But none of them saw someone cut into pieces. They kept looking at Yami who had a cold expression on his face. At first, they thought Yami used his sword with incredible speed but they saw that his sword was still leaning on the planks. It had not been used.

'The control bat summoning granted me toward wind enabled me to do something like this. It really cuts through the skin like butter and I can feel the individual blades forming in the air and moving as per my command. They aren't strong enough to cut through high-level shinobis but these mercenaries are like paper.' Yami thought. He had practiced this move multiple times when training alone but he lacked the control to not hurt his allies if they are in the way. And today he finally achieved that as well.

"What jutsu was that?" Naruto asked. Seeing a new jutsu always excited him. He was so excited by all this that the scene of bloodshed didn't even register in his mind.

"It's a technique which I got because of my summoning animal." Yami answered. He then looked at his brother and Neji. They had fallen on their butt while moving back. Yami's technique shocked them to such an extent that they didn't have the time to stand up and move back.

"It is a mild poison. Go get it treated. Guy sensei and Mr. Kakashi are almost finished."Yami said while looking at the other side of the bridge. Kakashi and Guy were now fighting the leaders of different groups. They had almost killed all of them and the last few were remaining. Gato was nowhere to be seen.


Gato's mansion...

"T-this can't be happening." Gato entered his mansion muttering. He expected the leaf shinobis to either run away seeing so many people or die at the hands of mercenaries but since today morning everything was going wrong. The ones he believed in the most were the groups who had shinobis in them but all of them went missing this morning. They all just disappeared in thin air. He still went ahead with his plan and even sent a few people to kidnap Tazuna's family as leverage but even those people hadn't returned. He understood that they must have died and now he saw the leaf shinobis disposing off all the other groups as well. Even the kids were killing bandits like weeds.

"I need to leave here now...I can take my revenge later." Gato muttered as he came to the hall of his mansion. He heard some noise coming from his treasure room. He panicked and ran in its direction. As he came in the hallway he saw that the guards stationed to protect his treasury are all dead lying on the ground.

"W-Who did this? Was it the leaf shinobis or did some bandits get greedy?Is my treasure gone?" Gato said as he was about to further toward the treasury he heard.

"The treasury is empty. I took it all."

Gato felt a chill run down his spine as he looked back. "ZABUZA...Y-Youuu...weren't you dead?"

Zabuza was standing with Haku on his side. He chuckled and said "Do I look dead to you?"

Gato suddenly roared angrily "YOU ASSHOLE...HOW DARE YOU BITE THE HAND THAT FED YOU??"

Zabuza shrugged and said "I just got a better deal than you were offering Gato." He couldn't tell Gato had he was forced into this by a 9-year-old. Gato would have died laughing after listening to this.

Gato's eyes widened as he heard this. He couldn't figure out who would make such a pre-emptive strike against him. He looked at Zabuza and said "I will give you half my wealth to kill those leaf shinobi bastards."

Zabuza took out his sword and said "I have all your wealth with me. Why would I need half? I even found the wealth you hid under the brothels under your control. Don't worry I will make good use of it."

Gato's eyes were bloodshot but he knew he had no chance of defeating Zabuza or Haku so he started to run away toward another hallway so that he could escape but after a couple of steps he felt pain in his knees. He looked down and saw 2 senbon needles had pierced the back of his leg.

It was Haku who did it. She didn't want Gato to waste more time. Zabuza never told him why are they even looting Gato.

"Farewell Gato." Zabuza said as he rushed over to Gato in the blink of an eye with his sword ready to behead the smuggler.



To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón


Link in the synopsis as well.

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