Toad Sage

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Kisame who was on his knees spit some blood and stood back up quickly as if the injuries hadn't caused him any problems. Itachi wasn't surprised by this as he knew Kisame was yet to display his full prowess.

"Kid if this is all you can do then killing you is too easy. I will play with you first." Kisame said and the injuries on Kisame's body started disappearing in front of everyone. All strong shinobis had the ability to heal their injuries faster than normal shinobis but this was way too much. It was as if the injuries were getting erased.

Itachi glanced at Tsunade who was also looking at him. They both nodded together meaning they were ready to jump into the fight. Jiraya also summoned Fukasaku and Shima on his shoulder. Jiraya wasn't able to balance his nature energy properly so he would need the 2 toads from Mount Myoboku.

"Jiraya boy...why have you called us this time without any warning. I was about to have delicious soup." The green toad with white hair, eyebrows, and a goatee said. He was Fukusaku. He was accompanied by his wife Shima. She was light green and purple in color. She sat on Jiraya's other shoulder. She smacked Jiraya on the head and scolded "Have you forgotten your manners Jiraya?"

Jiraya looked at both the toads and said "Stop scolding me you two. Look in front we have a strong enemy to fight. The two toads looked in front and saw Kisame whose strength was increasing with every passing second.

Red tattoos appeared on Jiraya's face giving him a different look. Even his face looked a little like a toad.

'Wow, this the first time I am seeing Lord Jiraya use Sage mode. People were right he does look a lot like a toad.' Kakashi thought as he looked at the antics of the 3 toads.

"Jiraya stop wasting time and go in." Tsunade said as she glared at Jiraya.

Jiraya nodded and rushed to Kisame. Yami saw Jiraya rushing and decided to let him do his thing. He just took a few steps aside and looked at Jiraya. Kisame who didn't know what sage mode was and what kind of a power boost it gave, became furious that someone else was interfering in his fight. He decided to first get rid of Jiraya who always blocked him. Kisame waved his Samehada toward Jiraya. He had already fought jiraya and had matched with him equally so he was confident that now he will be able to kick Jiraya away but as soon as Jiraya's fist met with the Samehada, Kisame felt a mountain had fallen on it. The sword slammed into Kisame's chest giving him a tremendous amount of pain as a few shark scales penetrated his skin. But this was the least of Kisame's worries as the force wasn't slowing down and Kisame was thrown a few meters away onto the ground.

The distance wasn't too much but everyone knew that Kisame wasn't some weakling. Especially in this state when he could stand up to a Kage-level Shinobi.

"Sage mode is really overpowered. Is the strength a person gains when he becomes a sage?" Kurenai asked. Not much was known about sage mode and everyone preferred it that way. Sage mode could be dangerous if not properly practiced. Failure in maintaining the balance between nature energy could turn the shinobi into an animal or even stone. There have been many such instances so only a few people were able to become a Sage.

Tsunade shook her head and said "It depends on where you are learning sage mode. The one Jiraya learned is from Mount Myoboku which is the home of the toad sage. It gives enhanced strength. My summoning animal Katsuyu lives in the Shikkotsu forest and the snake sage lives in Ryuchi cave. Like Jiraya's sage mode gives him strength, if anyone were to learn Shikkotsu forest's sage mode then they would get superhuman healing where the person can survive even if they are cut in half. As for Ryuchi cave, I have no knowledge about it."

Asuma chuckled as he leaned toward Kakashi and said "Kakashi I don't think your summoning dogs have any kind of Sage mode." Kakashi was a little embarrassed as he heard that but he didn't let it appear on his face. Kurenai pinched Asuma slightly and whispered "Do you think this is the right time to make fun? They all had to come here because you and I weren't able to handle the intruders. Even Yami is doing way better than us in front of them."

Instant shame washed over the 3rd Hokage's son as he got quiet. He looked at Yami with complicated emotions. He remembered how immature and weak he was when he was 9 years old.

As the battle between the two brutes was underway, Itachi didn't know what to do. He just felt like it was a mistake coming here with Kisame. He didn't think that he would be stopped from escaping and the one to do that would be his own brother.

Tsunade looked at Kakashi and said "We have to chase them out of the village. Killing them will destroy a considerable part of the village and that isn't a loss worth taking at this moment." Kakashi also agreed with her thinking.

Jiraya was on the offensive now that he was fighting Kisame. Whenever Kisame would take the initiative to attack, Jiraya would just cover himself with spike-like hairs. Jiraya then created a Rasengan in his hand. This Rasengan was brighter and more condensed than the one Naruto had in his hand. Jiraya slammed the Rasengan on Kisame's stomach making him fall back. Jiraya was about to attack again but he was stopped by a fireball.

Jiraya stopped and dodged the fireball. He looked toward Kisame and saw that there was an injury on his stomach because of the Rasengan. Itachi was standing beside Kisame. He couldn't just keep watching Kisame get beat up or else this would be suspicious for the leaf shinobis as well as Zetsu.

"Itachi...this is my fight. Don't interfere." Kisame said as he looked at Itachi. But instead of anger, there was a smile on Kisame's face.

Itachi was about to reply when he felt something behind him. Itachi's instincts didn't warn him about it being an attack so he simply turned back. The space in front of him started twisting and two hands appeared from it that touched Itachi's and Kisame's shoulders pulling them in. Itachi knew that this was the masked man who claimed to be Madara Uchiha and so he didn't resist and along with Kisame twisted and disappeared into space.


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Link in the synopsis as well.

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