The Preliminary Round Part 1

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After Ibiki left Asuma looked back at the group of Konoha genins and said "Let's go, everyone..."

Yami and the others nodded and followed the 4 jonins to tower no 3. Yami looked around and saw many genins that he hadn't seen in the canon. Due to the incident that happened in the jungle because of the unknown animal, many weak genin squads had passed the 2nd test.

As Yami entered the 3rd tower, the similar fighting stage and the railing on the 1st floor came into view. It looked the same like in the canon. Hiruzen along with Orochimaru dressed as Kazekage were already seated at the podium. Iruka, Shikaku and a few Anbu's were standing alongside the two village heads.

'How did Orochimaru manage to hide his identity while sitting so close to Hiruzen.' Yami thought as he looked at the disguised Kazekage.

All the jonin instructors climbed to the first floor and leaned at the railings to watch the coming elimination matches. The genins lined up properly in front of Hiruzen and Orochimaru. Seeing that everyone had arrived Iruka started his announcement "Congratulations to all of you for passing the 2nd test in the forest of death. Before we start the 3rd round, an elimination round will be held. In this round genins will fight 1v1 battles. The matches will be decided on random. A genin may also get his own teammate as an opponent. There are no rules this round. The only way to win match will be either a surrender by one of the participant, a knockout so that the opponent can't fight or death."

Iruka increased the gravity in his voice a little while saying the last word. The expressions on many genins changed instantly after hearing that they could even get killed here and no one will be held accountable. Many genins had fear clearly on their faces while some had an evil smile.

Even though everyone here was raised to become a shinobi, not everyone had what it took to kill someone.

"If anyone wants to backout of the exams then this is the time. Even if you back out now, you will be eligible to give the exam after 6 months but believe me when I say that even next time it won't be easy."

Even though Iruka didn't want to see any genin lose his life, he knew that no matter how much a shinobi wants, he will have to kill a person one day or another.

Some genins even though terrified of death, decided to continue fighting in this exam while a few decided to back out. They weren't confident enough that they could do whatever it takes to win the match. After the 2nd test, it didn't matter if the whole genin squad was in the exam or not so even if one genin left, the rest of his 2 teammates could still participate.

Yami looked at a guy who was two 3 rows ahead of him. This guy was none other than Orochimaru's disciple Kabuto. Yami thought that just like the canon, Kabuto will choose to back out of the exams but to his surprise, Kabuto was going to continue participating in this round.

'Ugh...can I depend on my canon memories anymore or not? First, this unknown animal and now even this 4 eyes wants to fight. Looks likeKabuto's teammates didn't make out alive from the forest of death and as I killed Dosu and his team, Orochimaru has no one that he can use to test my strength or push me enough to use the curse mark. So he must have had Kabuto stay in the test.' Yami thought as he looked around trying to find Kabuto's teammates. Yami remembered that they had worn round sunglasses and purple cloth from their nose down.

"Now that we have everyone who wants to fight ready, let's see who the participants of the first match are." Iruka announced and looked at the display that was suspended from the ceiling.

Match 1: Sakura Haruno vs Ino Yamanaka.

As this match was announced Sakura looked back at Ino who was also looking at her with a smile. Sakura raised her fists as if telling Ino that she is itching to punch her. Yami was surprised a little because the first match was supposed to be of Sasuke but now it had shifted to that of Sakura but with the same opponent.

"Now that the first match has been decided, everyone except Sakura and Ino can go up and stand with your jonin instructors and watch the match." Iruka announced. After a few seconds, everyone except Sakura and Ino was standing at the railing watching the two girls stare at each other.

"Now I will get a chance to on that billboard-like forehead of yours." Ino chuckled.

"Be careful Ino pig or else the one with the swollen cheek will be you." Sakura said as she gritt her teeth. Her large forehead was something Ino always taunted her about and no she had gotten the chance to take her revenge. Sakura had trained a little under the guidance of Kakashi for the past few weeks and she was somewhat confident in dealing with Ino.

Ino on the other hand had received a little fighting training from Asuma but to impress Yami and become someone who could stand with him,

Ino had taken extra training from her father. She knew Sakura had no jutsus which could be her clan's signature jutsu so Ino was confident that she could mind transfer herself into Sakura and have her admit defeat.

Gekko Hayate was going to be the referee for the first match. He stood in the middle of the stage and looked at both the girls. 'These girls surely are ferocious.' He thought.

"Now that both the participants are ready, let the 1st match of the preliminary exam begin." Hayate shouted and jumped back.


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón

Link in the synopsis as well.

I am writing a novel called 'Soul Spirit Ascension' on webnovel. Give it a read and let me know how you like it.

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