Konoha's Green Beast

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Yami entered the market transformed as a Jonin of Konoha. The weights he was currently wearing started to feel light as if there were simple clothes. He wanted to buy ankle weights almost the current weights but he knew that it would be hard to find so heavyweights.

'I don't think there are many people who use those weights. In the canon, only Rock lee is known to be wearing them. I think I will talk to Might guy. He is a simple person. I don't think he will have any problem telling me where to get those weights.' Yami thought as he began searching for Konoha's green beast.

Yami walked through the market twice but couldn't see Might Guy or even his student Rock lee. He decided to search training grounds near the academy. As Yami was visiting these training grounds, from one of them he heard the sounds of two men shouting.

'Is someone fighting in the training ground?' Yami thought but when he started going closer, he heard one sentence


'That must be Might guy. No one other than him can say such a cringe-worthy line.' Yami thought as he hurried toward the training ground. As he reached there he saw one grown man and one kid wearing green spandex clothes and they had a bowl-like haircuts. The kid was doing pushups very fast while the adult was standing to his side and motivating him.

'These two live in a world of their own. Reminds me of Mr.Bean' Yami thought as he sat on a bench near the ground. He wanted to wait for Rock lee and Might guy to finish their training. He wanted the whole thing to appear as if he is just curious about those weights and the whole meet wasn't planned at all.

After half an hour, the spandex twins started walking toward the exit of the training ground which was beside the bench where Yami was sitting. Yami expected that at least one of these two would notice him sitting there and come to have a conversation but they were so busy in their own talks that they didn't even know Yami was sitting.

Yami decided to take the initiative to talk to them and said

"Excuse me...Can I talk to you guys for a minute?"

Both of them suddenly stopped talking and looked toward Yami. Yami walked toward them and greeted them.

"Hi, guys my name is Kaneki. I saw both of you practicing Taijutsu and I noticed that the kid was wearing some weights on his ankles. I also searched for such weights but didn't find them in the market. Could you tell me where I can get them?"

Might guy hesitated and said "Weights like these are brought by a merchant from the Land of Iron for putting them on prisoners. He sells them in a clothing shop beside the Hyuga clan. Just go in the shop and tell him that you need your clothes to be heavy. He knows what that means."

"Thank you, Might Guy. You and your student are really good at Taijutsu. I am impressed." Yami said and left the training ground.

"See Lee this is YOUTH. Our training has inspired others to specialize in Taijutsu. You should remember this." Might guy said while showing Lee a thumbs up.

"Yes Guy Sensei I will never forget this lesson in my life" Rock Lee said as he wrote something in a book. While the antics of Might Guy and Rock Lee continued at the exit of the training ground, Yami had reached the clothing shop near the Hyuga clan residence.

'I have to get out of here as soon as possible. If any of these byakugan users active their byakugan and look at me then my transformation jutsu will be exposed.' Yami sighed and entered the store.

As he entered he saw a man and a woman behind the counter talking to each other. The woman wasn't from the Hyuga clan but the man was but they both weren't shinobi. As they saw Yami come in their eyes were set on his shinobi headband and his flak jacket which made it clear that he was a jonin.

"Good evening sir, welcome to our clothing shop. What kind of clothes would you like to buy" The woman said in a soft but firm voice.

"I need some heavy clothes."

As the couple heard that the women flinched for a second and looked at the man who had a serious expression on his face.

"Sir, follow me to the back of the shop" the man said and pointed Yami towards a door which had an 'employees only' sign on it.

Yami followed him to a room. As he entered the room he saw many things that weren't available easily in the market. Some poisons, scrolls, tools, and torture materials. He also saw a few seals and then the weights.

"I don't understand why weights are sold like this in secret. They are just weights" Yami asked the man.

"Sir low weighing ankle weights can be found in the shinobi store like the ones you are wearing." as the man revealed that he knew Yami was wearing weights, Yami's muscles tensed.

Seeing this the man gave a small smile and said "Don't worry sir. As you were about to enter the shop I used my byakugan on you and I discovered that you were wearing weights and that you are using transformation jutsu. You have very high chakra which means you are a jonin or a special jonin"

'Seems like he has mistaken my chakra density for chakra quantity and that's why even though my chakra is high chunin level, he thinks I am a jonin or higher.' Yami thought.

"Sir please don't worry about it. This way is better than wearing a cloak and drawing attention to yourself. I wish all our backroom customers are like you" the man sighed.

"Coming back to your question. The weights you are wearing are the highest weights provided by the village but only at the Anbu shop. I am not surprised if you are an Anbu as they come here pretty often. Weights above the one you are wearing are too bulky so we sell ankle weights which have gravity seals on them."


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