Hidden Blade Part 2

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Link in the synopsis as well.


Yami shrugged as he headed toward Jiro's shop. In his previous life, he was a big fan of the assassin's creed. From their hood to their hidden blade and lastly the leap of faith. He thought of trying the leap of faith in this world but he realized that it was too slow and by the time he jumps he may have a dozen kunai in his back.

As the shop came into his sight he saw that Grandpa Jiro was sitting outside eating dumplings. He walked close to grandpa Jiro and asked "Grandpa why are you sitting outside and eating dango?"

Yami even tilted his head to peek inside the shop to confirm what had happened inside but things looked pretty normal and quiet.

As Jiro heard that he made an ugly face and said "Brat this is all because of you. I have been brainstorming for the past few days to make that design you gave me. I was so immersed in it that I couldn't eat or sleep."

Yami's eyes brightened as he heard that. "Does that mean you completed the design?" Seeing Yami acting his age Jiro raised his eyebrows and said "Brat you didn't look this excited when I made that sword for you. Are you looking down on my sword?"

Yami laughed embarrassedly and said "No no...I just couldn't find any way to get the design to work as I wanted it to with chakra."

"Alright...alright come with me." Jiro said as he stood up and turned to walk inside his house.

Yami followed Jiro inside the shop. He saw that something was kept on the table and covered with a black cloth. Jiro could feel Yami's restlessness while he was walking.

'This kid...I don't know what has gotten him so riled up. This is the first time I am seeing him like this.' Jiro thought as he stood by the table. "Do the honors." he said and Yami quickly nodded.

As Yami lifted the black cloth he saw that the bracers didn't look like he had imagined. They looked like black and blueish scales sewn together. The bottom part was a normal black metal sleeve made to hide the blade. Yami looked at Jiro in confusion.

"Grandpa Jiro...a-are you sure this bl..." Yami was asking when Jiro rebuked in anger.

"Brat do you think I would have used these scales if I wasn't sure that they could meet my expectations?"

"Are these scales that strong?" Yami asked as he touched the smooth scales.

"No these scales won't protect you from the damaged head but they will deflect the attack directed at it. My friend from the land of Iron gave me these. He said they belonged to a very big snake."

Yami frowned a little as he heard that. 'Could it be some snake from the Ryuchi cave? Damm is this luck or plot armor?'

Yami then turned the bracer upside down to take a look at the blade. The first thing he saw was a mechanism similar to what was shown in the assassin's creed. This means the blade will be usable even if the person doesn't have chakra.

Before Yami could ask Jiro quickly said "What if your chakra points are sealed? You wanted this weapon to be used to surprise the enemy so I made it in such a way that you can use it without needing any chakra. However, if you channel chakra through the metal sleeve then the blade instantly pops out giving you the instant kill advantage."

Yami wore the bracer on his arm and tried the manual mechanism first. He was surprised to see how easy it was even without the need for chakra. Yami then used his chakra and the blade popped out instantly. Yami noticed that the blade was a little hollow from the inside.

"Now that's a surprise." Yami said looking at the numerous small holes near the edge of the blade.

Jiro chuckled and said "I knew you would like it kid. The blade is hollow so that after stabbing the knife in someone else's body you can send some fire or wind chakra through it giving the person a ton of internal injuries. This hollow blade can also be used to hold poison."

"You have really outdone yourself old man." Yami said as he wore the bracer and covered it with his sleeve. Due to the flexibility of the bracer made of small scales, the was nearly impossible to guess that there was something under his sleeve.

"So are you going to use it in the chunin exams?" Jiro asked.

Yami shook his head and said "No...that would be overkill. Even if people find out its existence then half of its advantage is lost. The only way to maintain that advantage is to make sure who ever I have used this on doesn't live to tell others."

'Just like I thought. These Uchihas still give me the creeps. Only 9 year old and talks like an adult. The shinobi life is truly cruel.' Jiro thought. Even though he made weapons and sold them to everybody, he hated the fact that children were trained to kill from such a young age. He knew that not doing it would weaken the village's strength so he could never say anything about it. He just made sure that his grandson wouldn't be one of those children trained to kill people based on where they were born.

'Seems like I have grown a little attachment to Yami. I hope he hasn't burdened himself with duties and responsibilities.' Jiro thought as he stared at the disappearing back of Yami.

He then looked at the table and saw that Yami had kept a couple of thousand Ryo as the price of the bracer. Jiro shuffled through the money and his smile instantly disappeared and he shouted


Yami could hear some sounds due to his super senses but he decided to ignore it and continue going home.

'I gave 80% of my monthly allowance and now this old man wants more. I should have taken some of Gato's wealth. Sasuke will visit before the chunin exam finals to get his equipment checked. At that time he will pay the difference...hehe at least as the elder brother he can do this for me.'


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón


Link in the synopsis as well.

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