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Yami and Neji along with Hanabi and Ino went to the academy terrace where they used to eat in the academy days. Yami noticed that Hanabi was stealing glances at him from time to time. Ino was also doing the same but Yami was used to it so he didn't bother giving it much attention but Hanabi was different. She was looking at him as if she wanted to ask him something. 'Its better I don't ask and even start a new topic. Nothing good will come from this.' Yami thought. Although he and Hanabi were almost the same age, they looked very different. Yami looked the same age as Sasuke and the others while Hanabi looked like a small rabbit.

As they reached the terrace, Yami saw Shikamaru was playing with Akamaru, Kiba was sleeping, Shino was doing something weird with an insect on the wall and Sakura was bothering Sasuke.

'Some things never change' Yami thought as this is how they spent their breaks during academy days. Although Yami had left the academy for more than a year, he still didn't forget those days nor did his Sharingan let him.

Seeing that Ino had brought Neji and Yami, the entire group started eating lunch. As Yami was eating, he suddenly stopped. This caught Sasuke's and Neji's attention. Sasuke saw anger appear on Yami's face for a split second but then Yami's face became cold like always and he continued eating.

Sasuke leaned toward Yami and asked "What's the matter?"

Yami shook his head and said "I had sent a bat to follow Kimimaro and kabuto but there was a barrier and my bat couldn't enter. Now I won't be able to get rid of Kabuto's corpse now nor will I know what happens to it."

Sasuke knew this was his fault or else Yami would have gotten rid of Kabuto at that time. "No need to worry so much. Kabuto was one of Orochimaru's pawns so I don't think he will get revived like the previous Hokages."

Yami shook his head and didn't say anything. Others were interested in hearing what they were saying so he decided to stop the topic here.

The rest of the day went as usual where Yami helped Neji with healing and went home after that. Yami knew that all the shinobis in the village including the root shinobis were on high alert. Even if Yami tried to meet Mako at such a time, it could cause a problem for them. Yami had no way of stopping anyone from the Yamanaka clan reading Mako's memories and seeing him murder the two elders.

'I shouldn't have showed my true face to Mako. Now he has become a liability instead of an asset. I should have gotten rid of him during the invasion. I don't know whether he has anything that would link me to the murders. He is a follower of Danzo but he will try to keep some evidence against me so that I never turn against him or Danzo.' Yami thought. He realized that he hadn't thought the whole thing through. He remembered the saying back in his world 'There is nothing as a perfect crime. There is always something that leads back to the killer only if you know where to look.'

The same evening Yami sensed a few people walking toward the Uchiha compound. The footsteps were on the main road rather than the dense forest meaning that whoever it was wasn't trying to sneak in.

After a few minutes the group of people came at the door of his house.



Sasuke opened the door and saw the group standing outside. He saw Hayate, Yugao, Karin along with Kakashi, Naruto and Jiraya at his door. "What are you all doing here?" Sasuke asked.

Jiraya stepped forward and ruffled Sasuke hair as he said "Brats nowdays don't even have respect for others. You should invite us in first."

Sasuke looked at Jiraya as he entered the home and the entire group sat at the table. "This is my first time coming in the Uchiha compound." Jiraya said as looked around. The house was much more luxuarious compared to other clans.

"Pervy sage why have we come here though? Do I need to defeat Sasuke first?" Naruto said as he pointed at the already annoyed Sasuke.

As Sasuke heard this he quickly leaned forward and said "Naruto do you think you can defeat me? Dream on."

"I mastered a cool jutsu today and now I can easily defeat you." Naruto smirked which ticked Sasuke off.

"You..." Sasuke was about to berate Naruto but Kakashi decided to step in.

"Stop it you two. Is it not enough that the two of you bicker during missions that now you are doing it here."

Sasuke and Naruto both listened to their sensei and just glared at each other.

"I have told you not to call me pervy sage...especially in front of women." Jiraya said as he gripped Naruto's head.

"Oww...Oww...It is you who peeks so if not a pervert then what to call you." Naruto said while trying to escape from Jiraya's grip.

Yugao and Karin's heads mechanically turned toward Jiraya instantly as if trying to verify what Naruto just said was true or not.

"He is just kidding. Don't listen to this idiot." Jiraya defended himself.

Hayate and Kakashi sighed together as Hayate said "I should have slept rather than coming here."

"Ahem...Sasuke we are here and Lady Tsunade will also come here in an hour. She and Naruto will be having a fight. If Naruto wins then she will agree to become the Hokage." Kakashi explained.

"But why here? And how will Naruto be able to even scratch a legendary Sannin? It's impossible." Sasuke said.

Naruto wanted to jump at Sasuke the very moment but Jiraya held him back.

"Ofcourse Lady Tsunade won't fight with her full strength with Naruto. And as for why here the thing is every place in the village is tightly monitored and people are busy rebuilding the places broken. At a time like this if Lady Tsunade is seen fighting with a genin then people could take it the wrong way. And if they ever find out the reason for the fight then it would be so embrassing for her.

"I am not convinced by your reasons but I don't see a problem with having a fight in the Uchiha compound. I get to see Naruto get beaten to a pulp...that's a good deal for me." Sasuke said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Kakashi forced a small laugh as he heard that. 'I don't know why Tsunade sama said she wanted to come inside the Uchiha compound but having the spar with Naruto here was the only way I could think of. If she becomes the Hokage and then comes here, people could take this in a different meaning.' Kakashi thought as he looked at his two students staring at each other and fuming in rage.


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Link in the synopsis as well.

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