Yami vs Shinzo

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I am also writing a novel called 'Soul Spirit Ascension' so please give it a read and shower some of those powerstones.


Yami was heading toward the core of the valley at full speed. As he reached there he saw that the whole place was destroyed. The big hall and the tents surrounding it were nowhere to be seen. They had all burned down. But it wasn't burned by fire, rather there were marks of scorches like lightning had fallen here.

Yami started to move ahead where he could sense 3 people. After running in that direction he saw Kakashi was a little pale but he did not have many injuries.

'Kakashi is running low on chakra. These 2 opponents of his are high-level shinobi so they can't be fooled by my transformation technique. I need to go fully prepared.' Yami thought as he held 3 shurikens in each hand and each of them was covered in wind chakra.

Yami quickly threw them toward restricting the movements of Shinzo and the cloaked man who was getting close to Kakashi.

Fire style: Fireball jutsu.

Yami spewed a fireball from his mouth. The fireball wasn't too big in size but its heat was nothing to scoff at. Kakashi recognized who threw the fireball by just feeling the intense heat.

'Except that monster Yami, no one can make such a hot fireball.' Kakashi thought.

The cloaked men wanted to block or cut through the fireball but when they felt the heat they understood that they should avoid it or they won't come out unscathed. Shinzo quickly used lightning armor and jumped back. The cloaked man wasn't so lucky. His entire right hand was burned to a crisp and even half of his face was melted.

"Ugghhhh..." the cloaked man spat blood and kneeled on the ground. Shinzo was looking at him with shocked eyes. The cloaked man's appearance was enough to send a shiver through Shinzo's spine.

Yami quickly jumped down and stood beside Kakashi.

"Are you alright Mr. Kakashi?"

"You took your sweet time." Kakashi said in a lazy tone.

"I had to take care of the 2 cloaked men Shinzo sent with me" Yami said with a smirk.

"Ohh...that was you? good which means except Shinzo no one is left."

"You take some medicine for now and recuperate Mr.Kakashi. I will go have a chat with Shinzo." Yami said as he rushed toward Shinzo. While running he also activated his Sharingan.

Seeing a kid kill his comrade and now rush at him made Shinzo angry. "Brat how dare you" he screamed and his body was covered in blue lightning. This was something more than simple lightning armor.

Chains made of lightning started forming on both of his hands. Shinzo flicked both his arms one by one and the chains behaved like a lightning whip. Wherever the whip touched was burned.

'Now this makes it harder for me to get in close range with him.' Yami thought. He also had the idea of using genjutsu directly but Kakashi said "Lightning style users get mini shocks every second which stimulate their body enough to break a genjutsu. You can't use it until he has exhausted his chakra or his chakra points are sealed."

Yami rushed toward Shinzo with his wind chakra-covered sword and even Shinzo whipped the chains toward Yami to entrap Yami's arm or sword with the lightning chains. At the last second, Yami changed the direction of his sword and simply deflected the chains. This caused some lightning arcs to travel onto Yami's sword but due to the wind chakra, those arcs couldn't reach the hilt and affect Yami in any way.

Yami and Shinzo had a few more exchanges but there was no conclusive result. Both were equally matched. Yami realized that no matter how much he practiced, in real-life situations only experience counts.

'Looks like purple lightning is the only way to cut Shinzo's chains.' Yami thought as he activated his sword and the purple veins started glowing. This made both Kakashi and Shinzo frown. They hadn't seen something like this before. Purple lightning started dancing around the sword but this time something different happened as well. The edge of the sword had a purple line as if the edge itself was made of lightning instead of metal.

'The chakra control training with this sword paid off.' Yami thought as he rushed toward Shinzo who made the same play and flicked his chains to catch Yami this time the chains couldn't wrap around the sword but they were cleanly cut as if real chains were made of mud.

Seeing this Yami had more confidence in defeating Shinzo now Kakashi shouted "Don't let him recover from the shock."

Yami nodded and continued rushing. Shinzo flicked the chains on his other hand as well and the same thing happened. The chains were cut. Shinzo was getting desperate every passing second so he poured a lot of lightning chakra into his hands creating a lightning bracer that could act as a shield.

Knowing that his sword can cut lightning-like paper, Yami didn't hesitate to attack the bracer on Shinzo's arm. And as Yami thought, the sword cut the bracer and also half the arm.

"Arghhh" Shinzo screamed as blood gushed out from the half arm that Shinzo had. His eyes were bloodshot as he couldn't believe he was brought to such a sorry state by a 7-year-old.

Yami didn't waste any time and used some lightning to boost his speed. He knew that Shinzo would eventually die of blood loss so there was no need to use genjutsu on him. He didn't want to waste time calling Neji and having him heal Shinzo.

With his speed boosted by the purple lightning, Yami quickly passed through Shinzo. Shinzo who was screaming and all suddenly became quiet and the next second a diagonal cut divided his body into 2 parts.

'I couldn't even see him use the sword and he already cut Shinzo into 2 pieces. This kid will be creating waves in the next couple of years.' Kakashi thought as he walked forward to Shinzo's dead body. He had recovered from his injuries. He looked at Yami and said

"You recover your chakra till then I will mop up Shinzo and his allies. The research and development department like to see the bodies of shinobi from other villages. We might learn a thing or two about lighting and don't worry you will get the lightning jutsus recovered from this mission." Kakashi said.

"What about saving your life? What reward do I get for that?" Yami asked with an amused smile making Kakashi scratch his head in embarrassment.

"Fine, I will teach you a lighting jutsu as well." Kakashi sighed.


For early access to extra chapters subscribe to my Patreo-n.

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I am also writing a novel called 'Soul Spirit Ascension' so please give it a read and shower some of those powerstones on webnovel

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