Hinata Vs Kabuto

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Kurenai frowned as she heard this and said "What plan? The one to make Team Guy the pillars of our village?"

Asuma was a little shocked by this revelation "How did you know about this? Did Kakashi tell you?"

Kurenai waved her hand and smirked as she said "Do you take me for a fool Asuma? The types of missions Team Guy was getting had made it obvious that it was a search and destroy team."

Asuma looked around to confirm that no one had heard her say that. "You are right about that. Very few people know that and dad wants this to stay as it is as long as those three don't become jonin."

Kurenai nodded and questioned "But what I don't understand is why does Hokage-sama want such a team during these peaceful times? I do agree that there are still skirmishes among the 5 great villages but it hasn't reached to the point of going to war."

Asuma shook his head and said "I do not know why but if dad is so keen on doing it then he must have a reason. Let's talk about this later. This isn't the right place nor time to discuss this"

Back at the stage Hiruzen sat back on his chair and gestured Iruka to go ahead with the rest of the matches. By this time a couple chunins had come to the stage and fixed it. Although the deep cut on the wall wasn't fixed the stage was as good as before. Iruka cleared his throat to get everyone's attention back to him and announced "Now we will continue with the next match."

This time the match was between Naruto and Kiba. The match went the same as the canon where Kiba lost because Naruto farted near his nose. The fight was so anticlimactic that everyone was yearning for the fights that happened before. After Naruto's match, it was Hinata vs Kabuto. This matchup greatly disappointed Orochimaru. He wanted to match Kabuto with Yami and see how Yami's body reacts when pushed to the extreme. He wanted to know whether the curse seal can work properly on Yami's body after all Orochimaru planned to take over Yami's body eventually.

'Tsk...Now I can't see Kabuto push that brat. Let's hope that brat gets a strong opponent. Gaara of the sand would have been a perfect opponent but even that chance Is gone now.

Anyways after the sword slash that Yami showed some time ago, I am afraid that even Kabuto isn't strong enough to push him.' Orochimaru thought.

As the match between Hinata and Kabuto started, none of them initiated the attack. Kabuto wanted to lose this match as soon as possible. He didn't have any wish to showcase his strength but unfortunately, he was matched up with the biggest softy.

'If you won't attack then I will.' Kabuto thought and rushed over to Hinata with a kunai in hand. He knew that if this girl is truly very weak in fighting and he who has been giving chunin exams for a few times lost, everyone would get suspicious.

'I will have to defeat her then but I can't kill her or I will have the Hyuga clan investigating or even hunting me. I don't intend to draw that much attention to myself.' Kabuto made up his mind and slashed his kunai toward Hinata's chest. Hinata activated her byakugan and with gentle fists, she deflected Kabuto's strikes. After exchanging a few more moves Kabuto saw that Hinata had started picking up momentum. He thought about toying with her for a few minutes before ending the match but he felt Orochimaru's gaze on him.

'hehe...Orochimaru seems to be getting impatient.' Kabuto thought and suddenly increased his speed. This caught Hinata off guard. She tried to matchup up with his speed but took a knee to her gut. The attack made her fall back a few steps and she coughed out some blood.

"Surrender little girl...you can't defeat me." Kabuto said as he pushed his glasses up.

Hinata wanted to deny him but Naruto beat her to the punch. "COME ON HINATA....YOU CAN DO IT" he shouted.

Hinata looked up at Naruto and a slight blush formed on her cheeks. She then looked back at Kabuto but now there was a firm will in her eyes. She coated both her palms with chakra and rushed at Kabuto.

'A single sentence from the kid had such an effect.' Kabuto thought with surprise. He easily dodged all attacks that Hinata dished at him and countered with a few kicks of her own. She managed to block a few of them where her hands were bruised by the constant assault of Kabuto's kicks.

'I will have to go all in if I want to live up to everyone's expectations.' Hinata thought as the face of Naruto, her father, and Kurenai came to her mind. She leaped toward Kabuto but Kabuto had already anticipated this so he stepped aside and just as Hinata came close to him, he gave a chop on her shoulder near the neck making her faint.

Hinata quickly fell down unconscious. Kurenai didn't rush to her aid as she knew that Hinata wasn't seriously injured and Kabuto had gone easy on her. Seeing the chop make Hinata faint

Naruto remembered when Yami put him down with the same move. He subconsciously rubbed his own shoulder remembering the incident.

As the match was over, Hayate came forward and looked at Hinata. Seeing that she showed no signs of getting up and was unconscious, he declared Kabuto the winner. There was no one who was cheering for him and Kabuto also wanted to get away from the attention quietly.

At this time Yami had a question in mind 'How did he qualify for this if 2 of his members aren't here? They must have someone from the hidden leaf jonins under genjutsu. In the canon, they must have used the same person to set up the match between Sasuke and Yoroi of the hidden grass.'


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón


Link in the synopsis as well.

I am writing a novel called 'Soul Spirit Ascension' on webnovel. Give it a read and let me know how you like it.

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