Plans For Ambush

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"So tell me everything you know about this package mission." Yami said.

Mako quickly understood that he had said something of interest so he quickly said "Danzo-sama, the one who has been given this mission is Sero. He used to be in the same class as me and is very rude and overconfident in his abilities. He mainly focuses on poisons and senbon needles. He doesn't have a lot of damage but he is definitely swift with his attacks."

Yami thought for a few seconds and said "And when will this Sero come back from his mission?"

Mako tried to think of something. He was most probably calculating the time to travel and to make the exchange. He then said "Danzo-sama he should be able to come by today evening. I also know the route he will take as he always prefers to take the shortest route."

'That sounds great. I hope I can set up a perfect ambush. I doubt this Sero knows what he is even bringing in the package. That's how Danzo likes to do things.' Yami thought and during that time Mako was drawing the route and the nearby terrain on a scroll.

After a few minutes Mako rolled the scrolled and gave it to Yami and said "Here Danzo-sama. This contains all the details of the shortest route. Do you need me to come there with you to help?"

Yami narrowed his eyes and said "Don't do anything until I tell you to. Stay in the root base and let others see you there."

Mako gulped his saliva and said in a flustered tone "I-I apologize Lord Danzo."

*hmph* "Leave now and meet me here next week at this time." Yami said and turned back to leave. Mako nodded and put on his mask and left the place instantly. Yami checked whether there was anyone near him. When he was sure that there was no one in the vicinity, he transformed back to Yami and went back into the Uchiha compound. He had to find a way to leave and then formulate a plan for the Ambush.


Hokage Building...

The third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi and his most trusted advisor Shikaku Nara were reading a report. Few days ago they had already read the report of the bandit valley mission submitted by Guy and Kakashi. But the report in front of them gave the individual assessments of Neji, Lee and Yami.

Hiruzen started smoking his pipe and turned the chair toward Shikaku and said "What do you think about it Shikaku. I want to hear your assessment about them."

"Hokage-sama I haven't seen them in action in this mission but I know very well of their temperament from the contact we have had this month. With all that I have come to a few conclusions." Shikaku responded while rolling the report he was just reading.

"Tell me about Rock Lee then. He is the carbon copy of Might Guy." Hiruzen said.

Shikaku chuckled and nodded. He said "I agree with that. The thing he lacks most is confidence. In this mission he did the least. Yami and Neji both got chance to take care of some things alone but Lee had to shadow Guy the whole time. Due to him being an only Taijutsu genin, he can do nothing but fight head on. He needs to work on befriending his team and doing things with them to increase his confidence."

Hiruzen nodded and said "We need to tell Might Guy to let Lee take the lead while fighting and have Neji and Yami support him for the time being. This may help him gain some confidence. As for friendship and teamwork, Lee has to figure out how to do that himself or time will do it eventually. Now move onto Neji Hyuga."

Shikaku nodded as he had a grim expression on his face.

*sigh* "He is a problem on all fronts Hokage-sama. He has the pride and arrogance of the Hyugas which makes him less friendly towards Lee. He also has the problem with his clan because of him being from the branch family which causes him to be suppressed by the main clan. The last problem is even though he is a prodigy among the Hyuga clan and even among children his age, in front of Yami Uchiha he seems average. The only upside he has is his byakugan which makes him a good sensor and Yami isn't a sensor as far as Kakashi has reported. The problem of his clan can't be solved by us as the Hyuga clan won't listen to us regarding their internal conflicts. As for his team, Neji will try his best to catch up to Yami which means every mission he takes with Yami, Neji will give his all. I don't think he will go on the path of betrayal due to this jealousy."

Hiruzen shook his head after listening to Shikaku's explanation as even he agreed to this assessment. Hiruzen said "Looks like we will have to leave the fate of Neji to time. Let's hope time will become his biggest teacher. Now for the one you either have the most to say."

Shikaku understood that Hiruzen meant about Yami Uchiha. He chuckled and said "Actually Hokage-sama, I have the least to say about Yami Uchiha." Hiruzen raised his eyebrows after he heard this and waited for Shikaku to say the rest.

Shikaku sat on the chair in front of Hiruzen and said "According to Kakashi, he is proefficient in Ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu. He killed kumo Jonins with his sword. He doesn't talk much but doesn't have arrogance like Neji, only pride in his own strength but can back it up. In his mission, not only did he single handidly infiltrate the valley and kill a bunch of bandits, he even came back to help Neji kill which proves he had the presence of mind to go back and support his team mate."

Hiruzen smiled and said "You said a lot about him Shikaku but I can see that there is something that is hounding you." Hiruzen and Shikaku have worked with each other for so many years that they can tell when the other one is thinking something.

Shikaku massaged his temples and said "The only thing I don't understand is Yami's ambition."


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