Scroll of Seals

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Extra 10 chapters on my P@treon

Link in synopsis


1 week ago---------------------------

Yami and his two squad mates were waiting at the training ground for Might guy.

"Usually Sensei comes before everyone. Where is he today?" Lee asked in a concerned tone. He as usual performed some warmup exercises with Might Guy in the morning but now he still isn't here.

Yami didn't bother to answer and Lee and Neji didn't find that odd at all on the other hand Neji just shrugged. After a few minutes, Guy came back and he had a scroll in his hand. The scroll looked like a typical mission scroll but a bit fancier.

"Are we going on a mission Guy sensei?" Neji asked.

Guy gave a proud smile and said "Yes we have got a 2 weeks long bodyguarding mission for a renowned merchant family. And Yami Iruka and Shikaku have told me that a week later is your brother Sasuke's graduation so it is fine if you don't join in on the mission. This mission is just extra hidden security."

Yami thought for a few seconds and a smile appeared on his face as he said "I don't think that's necessary Guy Sensei. Both me and Sasuke find the ceremony a bit boring and lengthy. I don't think I will be able to sit through all that and even Sasuke wouldn't. I will celebrate his graduation at home along with each other like we celebrated mine last year."

Lee was a little shocked to hear this while Neji expected such a reply as he thought.

'Yami isn't the type of guy who would go to listen to people talking for hours without any output. I guess his elder brother is the same as well.'

"Are you sure about this Yami? Don't you want to ask your brother first?" Guy asked to which Yami nodded and said "No...he himself told me a few days ago."

'I hope he isn't expecting me to sit through the old man blabbering for hours with him.' Yami thought.

"Okay, you guys go home and get ready. We will meet after lunch at the village gate." Guy said and left the training ground followed by the three Genins.

As Yami reached home he saw Sasuke was cooking. He sat down at the table and said "Sasuke when is your graduation?"

Sasuke looked back and said "Next Monday, why?"

"I got a mission today. I don't know whether I will be able to come before your graduation day." Yami said and he expected Sasuke to make a sad face or at least sigh but what Sasuke say next shocked Yami.

"Thank god."

"Huh? Thank god? Why?"

"Actually I feel the graduation ceremony is too boring. I was planning to let my shadow clone go that day. I didn't know how to tell you that without making you feel like I am distancing myself from you or I don't want you with me when I become a Shinobi." Sasuke said as he brought the cooked food and kept it on the table.

"So are all your friends guaranteed to pass this year's exam?" Yami asked.

"Yeah the exam is quite easy. I am unsure of Naruto though. His overall strength has grown but he is unable to make clones. His clones either turn out to be disfigured or just fall down once made." Sasuke said as he shrugged his shoulders.

'Wow, things turned out to be better than I thought.' Yami thought as he started eating the food Sasuke made.

After the brother finished their lunch, Sasuke was doing the dishes while Yami was in his room packing for his mission. After he finished packing Yami created 3 clones of himself. He then had them transform to look like civilians. He then looked at them and said

"The first will roam around the village for the next week. One day before the graduation you will disperse giving me all the information you have gained."

Yami then looked at the second clone and said "From the graduation ceremony to a day before I will be coming back from the mission, I want you to listen to all the information around the village."

Yami then looked at the third clone and his face became serious instantly as he said "I want you to stay here and not exert your chakra for a week. On the night of the graduation, Naruto will probably steal the forbidden scroll. Even though he has improved with Sasuke, due to so much chakra he can't perform clones yet. He will fail the exam and Mizuki will be there to make sure that this happens. The same night when Naruto opens the forbidden scroll and opens it, I want you to record every jutsu with your Sharingan. If Naruto doesn't open the scroll then don't do anything. The risk isn't worth it and I have no interest in learning a ton of forbidden jutsus. They all weren't sealed because they were powerful but most of them were harmful to the user. All three of you remember that if things change like Naruto passes the exam or he isn't able to steal the scroll or whatever else happens then abort the mission right away."

After listening to their individual missions, all three clones nodded. The first clone left the Uchiha compound while the other two went and hid inside the Naka shrine. Seeing that everything was set Yami also left the house to go for his mission.

'I never wanted to take advantage of this scroll of seals situation but sneaking a peek isn't much of a problem.' Yami thought as he left with his team for a mission.

After Graduation exam the results were just like the canon and Naruto had failed. Although Iruka and Hiruzen had decided that it was because of the nine tails that Naruto can't control his chakra effectively. They decided to pass him but Naruto didn't know that. Things happened just like in the canon and Mizuki convinced Naruto to steal the scroll of seals.

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To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón

Link in the synopsis as well.

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