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There was only one guard at the gate. This was a gate which opened toward the mountainous parts of the Land of fire and only small merchants would come and go from this route. Thick fog had covered the entire area making the line of sight of the guard very small. He couldn't see far enough but he wasn't much worried. Due to the invasion, shinobis were spread out inside the village and no one would dare to sneak inside at such a time. The Guard was also bored since he was standing alone at the gate for the past 5-6 hours. As he was yawning, he heard tinkling sound of bells. He tried to see through the fog but all he saw was outline of two people. As those two people came closer the guard was able to get a good look at the clothes they had worn. The bamboo hats and the cloak both covered their faces completely.

'This is the first time I am seeing merchants wear such clothes. But I don't even see a caravan with them.' The guard thought. The two people weren't trying to hide nor were they running toward the guard which made him think that they weren't hostile at all.

'Who are you guys? Which village are you from?" the guard asked still unable to see their faces. Both visitors didn't say anything but kept coming toward him. The guard was about to ask again but he felt his vision blurr again. He realized that this wasn't due to the fog but he felt his body get so tired that he was falling asleep. In the end, by the time those people stood before him, the guard fell on the ground snoring.

"We could have just silenced him instead of wasting chakra on such a genjutsu." One of the cloaked figures said to the other one. He was taller and look a bit bulkier than the other one.

The other figure didn't say anything and continued walking through the gate. As they were walking in they started seeing more people and more houses. The civilians and the people around didn't react much after seeing them. It was quite normal for outsiders to come in the village just for a meal. And the people were used to seeing Anbus in dog and cat mask so cloak and bamboo hats wasn't too weird.

The tall one looked around in the market and said "I am quite hungry from our travel. Why don't we eat something. I don't wanna fight on an empty stomach. The other figure who was quite for so long spoke in a cold and emotionless voice "After we reach the market, we will eat some ramen."

The tall one instantly picked up pace and continued walking. After walking for a few seconds in the market, the shorter figure stood in from of Ichiraku ramen. He looked at the board for a few seconds, as if remembering so old memories. He didn't say anything and walked in the restaurant and the taller one fought.

Seeing the two people walk in Teuchi who was speaking to his daughter quickly welcomed "Oh we have some newcomers today. Come in people. What would you like to have?"

"Give us two of your best Ramen bowls." The shorter one said and sat on the stool near the counter. Teuchi nodded and started preparing for the soup. Unbeknownst to them someone had noticed them and was standing outside Ichiraku ramen. This person was none other than Kakashi. For a seasoned shinobi like him, these two people smelled like someone who had bathed in blood. Kakashi didn't want to start any kind of fight in the middle of the market so he chose to tail these two. While tailing them, he tried to see their faces but he could only see some skin of the taller one. He saw that the taller one's skin was blue in color. Kakashi thought he might have been mistaken and so he didn't even tell this to anyone.

As the two cloaked figures were eating Ramen, Kakashi who was standing outside saw Asuma and Kurenai walk together. Asuma had been feeling down since his father was in such a sorry state but now he looked a little happy. Seeing them together like that Kakashi decided to tease them a bit. "I think all it needed was Kurenai to lift your mood Asuma."

Asuma was quite used to Kakashi teasing him so he didn't react much and smiled while Kurenai became a little flustered and blushed lightly while looking in the other direction. "What are you doing here Kakashi?" Kurenai quickly changed the topic.

"Oh me? I was waiting for my students to come but then I thought I should just look around a bit." Kakashi said and glanced at the two cloaked figures as he said the last part. Kurenai and Asuma who themselves were shinobis wouldn't miss such an obvious signal. They also glanced slightly to the side but all they saw was the backs of the two cloaked figures.

"Kakashi sensei, where have you been? We were searching for you." A sound came from behind Kakashi. He turned back and saw two of his students coming. "Naruto, Sasuke I had some things I needed from the market so I came here. Why don't the two of you go and spar like usual and I will come there in a few minutes." Kakashi wanted his students far away from this mess. He knew they would just jump in once they see an enemy so it was better to keep them away.

"Oh we have to go back to the training ground after searching for so long?" Naruto glared at Kakashi. He didn't even want to leave the ground and just rest there but Sasuke dragged him to find Kakashi.

'Looks like these two won't leave without me and those two inside have almost finished their ramen.' Kakashi thought and he suddenly had an idea.

"Kurenai you and Asuma you guys go on without me. I will need to train my students." Kakashi said.

Asuma and Kurenai understood that Kakashi wanted them to tail the two suspicious men while he takes the two kids away from this.

In the next few seconds, Kakashi left along with Naruto and Sasuke while the two cloaked men came out of the Ramen shop.

"We have wasted enough time...let's get to work." the taller one said with a sneer.


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Link in the synopsis as well.

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