Village on Edge

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Yami was happy with the progress he made. He had achieved way more than he bargained for. At first the devouring eyeball and now scorch style with way more powerful. He now felt that the only weak link in his overall strength now would be his genjutsu. He remembered that Kurenai had one scroll but he needed to be of a certain age to even be eligible to open the scroll.

Yami took back the 4 tentacles and stood up. He touched his back with his right hand. He felt many lacerations on his back. All these were caused in the past few days. When he first developed the tentacles it was only one and it was on his chest. But the due to his hands the tentacle couldn't move freely and Yami came to the conclusion that an arrangement like this will also block his own vision. So he decided to make the tentacle on his back. Surprisingly it was easy to do that. Due to the biggest chakra vein going through his spine, Yami was easily able to create a tentacle.

But he was using more power than necessary which caused the tentacle to go out of control from time to time. Whenever that happened, some part of the tentacle would touch Yami's back giving him a good amount of pain and injuries. Yami could've easily gotten rid of these lacerations by devouring a few bodies but he wanted to see how strong his healing capabilities are. As he expected the wounds healed within 2-3 days without giving much care but the scars were still visible.

Yami walked to the side, pulled out a corspse from the storage scroll and devoured it. The Scars on his body instantly disappeared. The whole process was as smooth as eating an apple or a dango. In his entire life Yami had never thought he would handle the bloody corpses of people in such a way.

Yami had accepted the fact that this is how this world was and this is how he will live in it. Not as a prey but as a predator and someone who is at the top of the food chain. Now by acheiving the power of Scorch style and even upgrading it with the help of his devouring law, Yami was confident enough to fight some members of the Akatsuki.

A few years ago Yami thought that his age would be a big problem for him as he would be a kid when the war starts. He knew the war was inevitable and he wanted to try his best to postpone it. But now Yami looked same like his brother maybe even more matured. His physical body which he thought would become his biggest weakness was now his biggest strength, all due the power of devouring law.

Yami changed his clothes and burned away the old ones. He also destroyed the scroll which contained writings about Scorch style. He had understood why Pakura had created only the basic scroll of Scorch style. Even he could feel that this was just the start and he could evolve it into something truly terrifying but it wasn't going to happen until Yami's mastery over Scorch style is high.

After changing his clothes Yami left the shrine. He first went and checked whether the barrier had any claw marks just like those he saw while he was coming. The entire barrier was intact and there was no reason to worry.

As Yami reached his home, he saw that the house was locked from the outside. Yami knew where Sasuke hid the spare key so he opened the door with it and went inside. Seeing the state of the house Yami was convinced that Sasuke hadn't come home in quite a while.

'Looks like he is training and staying with Kakashi.' Yami thought as he created a shadow clone. The shadow clone didn't ask anything and just left the house. Yami went in his room and slept.

As he woke up a few hours later, he saw that a scroll was lying beside him and the shadow clone was nowhere to be seen. The scroll was the same scroll he had kept in the forest for Mako. Yami opened the scroll and a smile appeared on his face. The scroll contained the two addresses. After reading the two of them Yami burned the scroll.

Mako had been more than useful to him than he had imagined. Yami decided to go out of the Uchiha compound and roam the village to see how the preparations of the chunins exam's last round have been going.

There were still a few days left for the final round to begin. Yami had been waiting for that day to come and he had a few plans himself to execute. Yami freshened up and left the Uchiha compound.

As he entered the market area, he noticed that the number of shinobis guarding the market were more than usual. He dismissed his doubts thinking that it may be because of the chunin exams. He also saw many the mood of the people seemed a little down. They weren't sad or angry just on edge. Yami also sensed Anbu's presence in some alleys of the village.

'Something happened while I was in seclusion. It doesn't seem like the invasion plan started early.' Yami was thinking when he heard someone call him from behind. He turned back and saw Lee running toward him.

"Y-Yami you have finally come out of seclusion" Lee said as he tried to catch his breath.

Yami looked confused as he asked "What's the matter? What happened in the village while I was gone?" Yami normally wouldn't barrage anyone with questions but the situation called for it.

Lee didn't answer his questions and said "There is no time for all that. Come with me to the Hyuga compound. I will tell you everything when we go there." he started running in the direction of the Hyuga compound.

'Ughh this idiot...' Yami got irritated by this but followed Lee nonetheless.


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón

Link in the synopsis as well.

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