Regrouping with Neji

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The bandits who just met Yami looked at each other and asked "We don't know. We just came from patrol. Who care what they are doing? They may be fighting over some money. We haven't killed and plundered in the past few days. Seems like I need to pay a visit to the nearest village and kill some idiots for fun." he said while smacking his lips.

'Looks like they had strict orders to only plunder those caravans and nothing else. My doubt about Shinzo being a spy is becoming more fixed by every passing movement.' Yami thought.

"HEY IDIOT...what are you in a daze for? Which bandit group are you from?" A burly man among the three asked. He was standing behind the other two bandits. As he said that Yami could see greed in the eyes of the three people flash instantly. The burly man had a big ax on his shoulder while the other two had spears.

Yami took out a kunai from his pocket and rushed straight toward the burly man. The other two were slow to react but the burly man's eyes widened. He hacked the ax in front of him to split Yami's head in two but Yami kicked one of the bandits on his cheek which wasn't meant to damage him but for Yami to change his trajectory mid-air.

Yami swirled left easily dodging the ax. The burly bandit saw it and lifted up the ax again and swiped it horizontally to the side aiming at Yami's stomach. Yami quickly increased his speed and appeared behind the burly bandit. He crouched down and with his kunai slashed the bandit's knee joints and even his thigh.

"AGHHHH...." the burly bandit shouted while gritting his teeth. Due to the sudden attack on his knee, he lost his balance and had to use the big ax as support. Yami knew this would happen and an opening would appear for a second or two. And as he predicted it happened. Yami covered his kunai with wind chakra and threw it making a big hole in his neck. The angle of attack was adjusted so well that after penetrating the burly bandit's neck, it lodged itself into one of the other bandit's heart.

"" the bandit asked kneeling on the ground looking at the kunai in his heart and then he collapsed. The last bandit was shocked seeing all this and had almost peed his pants.

"P-pl-please d-don't kill me..." the last bandit started begging. Yami didn't want to leave any eyewitnesses. This was the main rule of Plan B. No one should be able to tell what happened tonight in the valley of bandits. Yami devoured the three corpses but didn't gain any mana capacity but he could feel something different about his body. He decided to ignore it for now.

Yami continued on his path toward the boundary and after a few seconds, he sensed a few people fighting. He undid his transformation technique and continued in the direction of the fight.

'Neji found some bandits to entertain himself.' Yami thought as he reached near the fight. He was sitting on a branch and watching the fight. Neji was fighting with 2 bandits. One of them used his fists to fight while the other had daggers.

'Short-range and melee opponents. Your lucky Neji but...' Yami said but he noticed something. He quickly jumped down and stabbed a kunai into a bandit's back.

"Aghh...what the hell." the bandit screamed as he looked behind. He was the one with the daggers. He quickly jumped back and stood with the other bandit at a distance.

Neji saw this and said in a slightly irritated tone "Why did you have to interfere? I was handling both of them without much problem."

Yami didn't reply and stomped his leg on the ground and disappeared.

'Where is the kid?' the injured bandit thought and suddenly he saw Yami in front of him. He saw Yami's Sharingan but before he could say anything Yami punched his chest hard.

All the air from his lungs escaped in a moment. He tried to catch his breath but he couldn't breathe. Neji and the other bandit were also confused as to what happened. Neji switched on his Byakugan and looked at the bandit and the only word that came out of his mouth was "Too cruel."

'Yami hit the bandit so hard that 3 ribs broke from the cage and punctured the bandit's lung. He can't breathe because blood is filling his lungs.' Neji thought as he was looking at the bandit who was vomiting blood and laying on the ground. Neji decided that he will be the one to kill the other bandit so he looked toward the other one but he saw that Yami had killed him by cutting his throat.

Neji looked at Yami and those red eyes and wanted to say something but couldn't. Yami noticed Neji's hesitation and said "The reason I stepped in was that his dagger had poison on it and you have a few cuts on your body with a purple tint. Get them treated fast or you will become a burden inside the valley."

Neji looked and saw that he did have a few scratches and the poison had made the area around it purple. He looked at Yami and said "Thanks then. This looks like normal snake poison. I will put some ointment on it." Yami nodded and said "I'll dispose of these corpses till your done."

Neji looked at Yami once and then proceeded to put the ointment on his wounds. Yami searched the dead bandits and found some money and ration pills.

'Huh? Ration pills shouldn't be available to normal people or even bandits. Except for Shinobi, no one uses them and each village has a recipe for its own ration pills. Maybe this could be a ration pill from the Land of Lightning.' Yami thought as he dragged the two corpses deep into the jungle and devoured them.

'Everyone else must have gotten to the juicy part of the mission. Time for me to join them as well.' Yami thought as he pulled out his sword and scabbard from a storage scroll and tied it to his back.


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