Jonin Mission

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Yami didn't understand why Tsunade would ask him that but he decided to just answer her in moderation and only disclose those things that have been made public and everyone in the village knows.

"Umm...the hidden sand is in a bad state and is trying to stabilize their situation. The hidden cloud has suffered a loss due to the strange animal attack on the border and now they must be trying to find the animal I guess. The hidden stone is silently watching from the sidelines. I have heard that the Tsuchikage is a shrewd, Opportunistic, bald, and short." Yami said.

The last words instantly turned the mood of the room and Tsunade burst out laughing."HAHA...that man should have heard you say this. It would be so satisfying."

" are right about these villages. Now tell me what is happening specifically in the hidden mist or the blood mist like what people call it for the past few years." Tsunade said.

Yami didn't quite remember what happened this time in the canon. 'I knew that Obito had the 4th Mizukage and the 3-tailed beast under a genjutsu but I don't know when that happened.'

Seeing that Yami hadn't given any answer, Tsunade concluded that this kid hadn't entered the world of global politics nor did he show any interest in that field.

"A week before the chunin exams started, the 4th Mizukage was found dead. No one knows when and how it happened but right now the supporters of the 4th Mizukage are fighting against clans who have a bloodline limit." Tsunade explained.

"If they were without a leadership then why would they send genin teams for the chunin exam and why hasn't this news reached our village yet?" Yami asked. He was right that the death of the 4th Mizukage should have been known to everyone in the hidden lead but no one knew about it.

Tsunade didn't answer his question as she was lost in thought 'Yami doesn't know anything about the tailed beasts. The fact that the hidden mist hid the death of the 4th Mizukage was to stop from the stone and hidden cloud to attack and snatch their tailed beast shouldn't be known to Yami for now. Let him grow up more.'Tsunade decided to talk on this topic later but Yami's next sentence poured water on all her plans.

"Is it because of the 3 tailed beast?" Yami asked.

"How do you know about the tailed beast? And how much do you know about it?" Tsunade asked.

"Only that there are 9 of them and they were all captured and enslaved by your grandfather once. Later they were distributed to the other villages. The 4th Mizukage had the 3-tailed beast inside him. As for our village, Naruto has the 9-tailed beast inside him." Yami said nonchalantly.

"You knew that Naruto has the 9-tails sealed inside him?" Tsunade asked with her eyes widened.

Yami nodded and said "Yes I read about the tailed beasts in a few scrolls that my father had in his room."

(Yes the parents' room is an alternate dimension that contains everything including the dragon balls.)

"Who all know about this?" Tsunade stood halfway and leaned forward bringing her and Yami's faces exactly in front of each other.

"No one. I didn't tell Sasuke as he was Naruto's classmate and many people already treat Naruto unfairly. I didn't want Sasuke to add that as well. As for the others, the topic never came up so I didn't even have to discuss about it." Yami shrugged.

Tsunade sighed and sat back down on her chair and said "Thank god...You scared me there for a second. You were right about thinking this is because of the 3-tails. There is no news about it even from our intelligence-gathering teams. Even the clans of the hidden mist are searching for the beast."

"Someone stole it or it died?" Yami asked.

Tsunade shrugged and said "Well that's one of your missions."

"What? My mission?" Yami said with a confused face. He wanted to get out of the hidden leaf and tour the other villages but not with his hands full of missions

Tsunade nodded and said "Yes you are a jonin so you can do missions solo as well. You are good at genjutsu so you won't have a problem getting people out of your way without killing or even physically harming them. Which is my I am sending you on a mission to infiltrate the hidden mist and do some things."

Tsunade wasn't asking him whether he could do this but ordering him as a Hokage does. 'Does she forget that I am a 9-year-old?'

Yami calmed his mind and asked "What is the mission?"

"Try to find out who killed the 4th Mizukage and what happened to the 3-tails. Your main mission is to help out the clans who are opposing the Mizukage's faction. The 4th Mizukage didn't have a good relationship with our village so if you help the opposing faction then they might become a future ally. Just make sure that the new Mizukage can have good relations with us and don't reveal your identity unless you are sure. I won't say much just make sure that if things are going smoothly for the opposing faction then make them difficult so that they need your help."Tsunade said in a serious mood.

Yami understood what she meant by the last part and he agreed with it. In politics, one needs to learn when to be ruthless and when to be merciful or else you won't have any cards left when the time comes.

"Currently the information that we received yesterday tells us that the Mizukage's faction is getting help from the hidden stone so that could make things easier for you but this information isn't concrete so conduct your own investigation." Tsunade said as she pulled out a scroll and handed it to Yami.

"This contains all the info collected since the 4th Mizukage's death. When will you leave?" Tsunade asked.

"In an hour or two." Yami said

"Alright you are going to have to celebrate your birthday in the blood mist I guess. You have bats summons right?" Tsunade asked and Yami nodded "So send me weekly updates about what is happening there. Do you need a list of people who you will contact there?"

"Does anyone know about me going to the hidden mist?" Yami asked.

Tsunade shook her head and said "Only Shikaku Nara and Shizune. I haven't informed our spies in the blood mist about it."

"Do not tell them either. Give me a list of them so that I can verify that they are on our side and I don't kill them accidentally. I prefer to do things alone until I really need help." Yami said.


To read 19 extra chapters go to my Patreón

Link in the synopsis as well.

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