Grandma Tsunade

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Kakashi was right to think that Tsunade coming into the Uchiha compound as a Hokage would be taken differently. Even after the Uchiha clan was slaughtered, Hiruzen didn't let any other clans including his and Danzo's encroach on the Uchiha compound. Many elders and clan leaders had raised the issue to take the majority of the Uchiha belongings and distribute it to the other clans or use them for the betterment of the village. Hiruzen was pretty firm on his decision and luckily for him, Yami and Sasuke both turned out to be talented enough that other clans stopped thinking about it. If Tsunade becomes the Hokage and the first thing she does comes here, then the other clans will think she is trying to strengthen the Uchiha clan to keep others in check. The Hyuga clan was the biggest clan right now but due to their calm nature, they didn't show any indication of going against the Hokage.

"We brought some food. Why don't we eat while we are waiting?" Yugao said as she lifted two bags and showed them to Sasuke.

"Yes..I am hungry anyways. Let's eat first." Naruto said and Jiraya also sat beside him to eat.

Sasuke went back to the kitchen and brought out a few bowls. He knew Yami had already barbeque in the evening so he won't eat ramen now. He decided to let his brother do his thing. 'Yami worked with Neji in the hospital today. I better let him rest rather than having all these people annoy him.' Sasuke thought.

As everyone started eating, Yami was in his room thinking about if he should showcase scorch release to others or keep it under wraps.

"So where is Yami?" Karin looked around and asked Sasuke.

Sasuke who had his mouth full of food just pointed at Yami's room and then made a sign which signifies sleeping. Karin made an o shape with her mouth and said "I heard that he was with Neji at the hospital. I didn't know Yami knew healing jutsus."

Sasuke gulped down the noodles he had and said "I asked him why he chose this task and he said that he needs to learn how to heal his minor injuries in case he needs to heal someone during his mission."

"I agree with what. Basic healing should be taught to everyone. It could save many lives. Sometimes when a civilian is hurt as collateral, the best we can do is put medicine and bandage on it because a medical nim isn't around. This could lower the chance of the civilian's survival by almost 30-40%" Kakashi decided to give his opinion on the matter.

"I would like to see you in a doctor's uniform Kakashi. Why don't you come and try it?" Tsunade's voice came from behind. The whole group looked to the side where the door was and saw Tsunade along with Shizune standing at the door.

Sasuke was getting up to greet them but Tsunade waved her hand and said "Let it be kid. Continue eating and I will invite myself in." She walked inside and then looked at Jiraya and Naruto who had turned away and continued eating.

"Are you ready to get beaten to a pulp?" Tsunade asked which made Naruto turn back and shout "I will defeat you and make you eat your own words. Just wait and see grandma." Naruto didn't realize but others did. Tsunade's eyes widened as she heard him call her grandma. She bonked the loudmouth's head making Naruto bounce away from the table and hold his head tightly.

"How dare you call a lady in her prime like that?" Tsunade fumed while Shizune held her back.

"Tsunade you are being too tough on the kid." Jiraya said sipping the soup.

"And you are making him just like yourself." Tsunade sighed.

Tsunade then looked around the house and then at Sasuke. She had come here for a special reason.

'I came here to see what state the current Uchiha compound is in and if the two brothers know about that night. The scroll I got from those two wouldn't even let me sleep. I came back to the village to ask sensei for confirmation and justification as to how he even allowed something like this to happen. Unfortunately, Sensei is in such a sorry state that I can't ask him anything. I thought I would help out these two Uchiha kids but I don't think they have any problem. I didn't ask anything much about them Shikaku Nara and all he told me was that the two kids are better than shinobis their age, but I felt he was hiding something.' Tsunade thought.

"Kakashi let's have a chat outside." Tsunade nudged Kakashi and whispered that none of the kids heard.

Kakashi nodded and then looked at Naruto and Sasuke and said "Both of you finish your meal and come out. After that, we will start the fight between you and Lady Tsunade."

"I also want to see the fight." Karin said to which Yugao looked at Shizune who nodded.

"Karin you also come and see me teach grandma Tsunade a lesson." Naruto said and quickly looked back to see whether a punch is coming or not. Luckily Tsunade was held off by Shizune.

Tsunade along with Shizune and Kakashi walked out of the house. "So what did you want to talk about Tsunade-sama?" Kakashi asked. Tsunade hadn't told him anything about the scroll she received and being someone with a curious mind Kakashi had many questions in his mind and many more assumptions.

"How do these kids live? There doesn't seem to be any servants or guards cleaning or protecting the Uchiha compound." Tsunade said.

"The youngest one Yami didn't want anyone other than him and Sasuke to be in the Uchiha compound. Not even the Anbus. And Lord Third had a barrier placed around the compound so that no one can sneak inside and also had some anbus outside the compound to give timely news if the brothers are having any troubles." Kakashi said.

"Guilt" Tsunade muttered.


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Link in the synopsis as well.

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