Yami's Killing Intent

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Just as everyone thought that the sand structure will take the injured Neji in its grip, a flash of purple lightning appeared at the spectator's place. Kakashi, Guy, and even Hayate were about to jump in but seeing the lightning he stopped. The genins couldn't see anything due to the bright light. In the next second the light subsided, and everyone saw something that they had never expected. The hand made of sand was cleanly cut and had lost its control and shape and fallen on the ground.

The stage was cut in half and even the wall attached to it had a deep cut. For a second, everyone felt as if a heavy weight had been placed on their heart. Many genins including Hinata, Sakura, Kiba, Shino, and Choji were on their knees. The genins who were still standing were full of sweat. Kakashi looked to the side and saw Yami with his Sharingan active and a glowing purple sword in his hand.

'Did he just make me sweat?' Hayate thought as he looked at the 9-year-old standing on the 1st floor by the railings. Purple lightning was crackling around his body. Yami's kimono was loose-sleeved and covered his hand and that's why no one noticed that he had activated devouring law as well and his hand from the wrist was black in color.

'Is Yami this powerful?' Sasuke thought looking at his brother. Sasuke thought that he was closing the gap between himself and his brother little by little. In the past few months, he realized that he was feeling jealous of his own little brother so as a solution he decided that he will also train hard and become strong enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with his brother. Sasuke knew that Yami didn't have ambitions or goals like him. Sasuke's life goal was to kill his elder brother Itachi Uchiha and avenge his clan and for that, he didn't want to borrow his little brother's strength.

While Sasuke was in a daze seeing his younger brother's power, Guy didn't waste any time and jumped down to hold Neji who was about to fall because of exhaustion.

Kankuro wanted to jump in as well, but Baki stopped him "Gaara attacked even after the kid surrendered. And Yami's attack didn't harm Gaara but only stopped the sand. The kid is from the hyugas. We can't afford to mess up more."

Kankuro reluctantly nodded and stood quietly. Gaara who was angry by Yami's intrusion looked up. He couldn't see Yami's face completely but he could see his shadow and those red eyes. Yami's face was illuminated partially by the purple lightning crackling around.

Hayate wanted to announce Gaara's disqualification, but Hiruzen stood up and said "Neji and surrendered and still, Gaara chose to attack. Although this calls for disqualification, as they was no damage done in the end, this fight will be ended here with Gaara's victory. But if something like this happens again, the entire team Gaara will be


Hiruzen was someone who wanted peace and disqualifying the Kazekage's son in front of the Kazekage was no way to bargain peace so Hiruzen decided to let this matter go.

Orochimaru looked at Hiruzen and nodded as if conveying his gratitude. Baki as the jonin instructor of Team Gaara came forward and bowed. He looked at Gaara to make sure that the 1 tails had not taken over. Seeing that Gaara was still in control, Gaara's siblings and Baki sighed in relief.

"Hokage-sama, I apologize on behalf of my student and thank you for your magnanimity" Baki said and took Gaara with him. Gaara glanced at Yami who had put his sword back into his scabbard, but his Sharingan was still focused on Gaara. Yami didn't want to start a brawl with Gaara but he knew that Gaara would not hesitate to kill


'I will have to tell Guy sensei to send Neji back to his clan compound. In the canon, Gaara came to Lee's hospital room. Who knows whether Neji will be lucky enough that someone enters the room before Gaara does something to him?

Yami deactivated his Sharingan and turned toward the stairs as he was Guy coming up. Guy had a smile on his face as he said "Neji is fine and he will be back here in a couple of minutes. It is good that you had his back Yami. That's what teammates are for."

On the other end of the spectator railings, all those who were on their knees were being tended to by their jonin instructors. Hinata after sipping some water, looked at Kurenai and asked "K-Kurenai sensei, will b-big brother Neji be alright?"

Kurenai smiled slightly and said "Don't worry Hinata. His sensei just said that Neji is fine and none of his injuries are serious. He will come here in a few minutes."

A smile bloomed on the Hyuga princess's face as she heard this and said "That is good." After saying that she went back to her shy self. Kiba on the other hand was trying to wake up Akamaru who had fainted under Yami's pressure. He looked at Kurenai and asked "Sensei what happened just now? I felt that my chest became heavy and

my body felt limp."

Kurenai looked at Asuma who shook his head as if telling her not to answer the question. As jonins, they both knew that this was a pressure that can only be released by those who are truly strong and have killed numerous people without remorse. Even in the hidden leaf, the ones that can still have such killing intent on others could be counted on fingers.

"It was due to the clash of two powerful jutsus. Nothing to worry about, you will get used to it eventually."Kurenai comforted Kiba who was satisfied by the answer and focused on Akamaru."

Kurenai stood up after tending to her students and by this time Asuma had also made sure that Choji was okay. Kurenai walked a bit away from Asuma and said "How did someone so young have such killing intent?"

Asuma shrugged and said "How would I know? It was you who taught him genjutsu. I was about to ask you the same thing. Looks like dad's plan had some side effects."


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón


Link in the synopsis as well.

I am writing a novel called 'Soul Spirit Ascension' on webnovel. Give it a read and let me know how you like it.

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