The Raft

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships, and trigger warning for mentions of Murder.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I had called Sam and put him on screen of my hover craft.

"Where have you been?"

"I found her." I sobbed gently, I could feel my whole body shivering and shaking.

"I...woah what is going on? You seem back to normal." His voice was worried because I'm sure that I looked a right state of awful.

"She is with him...she is with Steve."

"Well yeah, he was going to keep her safe..."

"You are not understanding Sam, she is WITH him...I saw them."

"With...with her? While she is pregnant with your baby? That doesn't sound like Steve, are you sure you are not mistaken, she loves you Bucky..."

I looked up at him, tears falling down my face.

"I watched them with my own eyes, I watched him...I'm in Egypt by Abu Simbel, you need to come and get me, and fucking put me in the Raft and leave me there."

"You want me to put you in prison Bucky? What are you saying, why on earth do you want to be put there?"

"Come and get me, you need to stop me...please I am begging you."

"Shit I am coming myself, don't do anything stupid please until I get there..." He hung up, I handcuffed myself to a huge bar in the middle of my hover craft, and threw the key to keep myself from moving. I was dangerously close to losing complete control.

--- Your Point of View ---

Steve made a move to touch you and you pulled back from his grasp, his eyes narrowed, and your heart thudded painfully as you saw the hurt in his blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you like that."

"Were you ever going to tell me?"

He put his head in his hands, then let out a frustrated moan he ran his hand though his hair in acerbation, for reasons that you didn't want to think about that movement made you melt inside.

"I was hoping to not have to if you want me to be honest."

You felt your body start to shiver, you looked down and played with a loose sting on the blanket.

"What happened?"

"In my timeline we were not able to break Bucky from the grasp of The Winter Soldier, I did everything that I could to help, but he was an assassin – bloodthirsty and out of control, he was killing people that I care about, I cornered him and had to shoot him in the head."

"Oh Steve..." There was such pain in his voice that you moved closer to him, and put your hands on the side of his face, running your hands though his hair, he turned into your touch.

He looked up at you, putting his hand on your baby bump, he held it there as you both felt the tiny kicks.

"When I looked in his eyes at Wakanda and saw The Winter Soldier in him, I couldn't let him hurt you. I know this baby is his, but this baby is also Bucky's – and I want to take care of you both."

He moved forward putting you on your back as he put half of his weight on you kissing you deeply.

Playfully you pushed him back and then flipped him over, straddling his waist, he smiled up at you and put his hand on your belly.

"Have you thought about a name for her yet?"

You knew that he was trying to change the subject and you actually had given it a lot of thought.

"I'm trying to pick between, Natasha, Sarah...or Peggy."

He covered his mouth and let out a sob, you felt tears start to come as well as you leaned down and kissed him.

You pulled back and looked down at him, seeing the tears start to fall down his face.

"We need to marry..." He proclaimed.   

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now