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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Your Point of View ---

"I'm sorry to bother you." You looked down shyly and bit your lip, Amberle was asleep again, and Thor and Love were off world for a few days, they had somewhere to be and Thor all but demanded that you take care of his place when he was gone – doing you a favor more than him.

Honestly you love his company, and you think his daughter is adorable but deep down you wanted some alone time with Amberle, some real mother daughter bonding.

On a deeper level you felt like needed to have some real relaxation, some tangible rest – because you seriously felt like you were running on fumes at the moment, your gas tank was currently empty.

"It's okay, but I would be more comfortable if you were back in Wakanda where we could take a better look at you." Shuri responded with a genuine smile.

"Like I asked in the message, is it normal for me to be this exhausted, I can only do about four hours of physical labor before I need to take a nap, I have never been this fatigued before, and don't worry I fully intend on coming back but I just need some time."

"To answer your question, what is going on is normal, your body just went through trauma, and I am very upset you left right after birth, you are going to need lots of rest and make sure that you are eating...do you need anymore food?"

"Bucky brough a few months' worth of the formula, so we are good."

"Please come back to Wakanda as soon as you can, I would even be willing to send both Bucky and Steve to Site B."

"Thanks for the offer, but as I said I am really going to return to Wakanda soon."

"That may be true, but I sent a doctor to go and see you, you need to have a real workup, to make sure everything is okay, they should be there by the night."

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in, letting the tension start to ease out of your back, you knew that once Shuri made up her mind about something there was no deterring her.

"Thank you, I know that you are right, and honestly I do think I need to be looked over by a doctor."


"Um, how are Bucky and Steve, I take it they made it back home alright?"

"Yes, they are not really interacting, we have sent them out on different mission, they both seem to be unwilling to sit still."

You were not sure how to feel about this, you knew that they wouldn't wait around for you – they were never ones to just stay put, they were soldiers, both, always willing to go looking for a fight.

"Thank you, Shuri, really I mean it, and could you keep this information from Bucky and Steve?"

"Anytime, and for now I'll keep it quiet, I know how they both will overreact when it comes to you."

"Again, thank you." When you turned off the pad you walked to the back room, Amberle was fast asleep and you had put the crib right next to your bed.

You laid down on the bed, closing your eyes and falling asleep, you were not lying when you said that you were exhausted, you closed your eyes, needed to get sleep before the doctor came.

You were woken up by someone shaking you awake.

Your eyes fluttered open and you saw one of the doctors there from when you gave birth in Wakanda.

"Hi, I have a portable lab on the hovercraft, can you walk and I will see what is going on?"

You stood up, reaching into the crib you grabbed Amberle – and followed her to the hovercraft, she took her from your arms and instructed you to lay down on an exam table.

"Ok let's get started." She smiled. 

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now