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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts, mentioning kidnapping, drinking and swearing.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

"Woah Bucky...you alright?"

I turned to face Sam, he had heard all of that. I crushed the cell phone in my hand – using my super soldier strength.

I ran my hand though my hair, I honestly felt the need to cry – I had to hold back the tears that almost started falling down my face - which was utterly absurd, no one, not even Steve had brough me to tears.

That's how much of a hold she had on me, how much control she had on my mood. I had fallen utterly in love with her and I hadn't meant to.

"Take a deep breath..." He put his hand on my shouldn't I wanted to shrug it off but I allowed him to keep it there.

"He took her from me." I growled.

"She didn't sound like she was being held against her will."

"Who's side are you on?" I snapped.

"Woah...I'm not picking sides, maybe she just needs space..."

"No she was clearly dumping me..."

"I...you know Buck, I had no idea the two of you were dating officially in the first place..."

That earned him a look, I was mad but then I realized that he did have a point, I hadn't made it official with her, and I wasn't sure if it was worth it to explain.

It was then that Sam got a text on his phone, he looked at it his eyes narrowing.

"She has asked for a leave of absence, and said it has been cleared by the higher up's and that she will be back to work in a seven weeks."

"Did she say where she will be going?"

"Uh....no. I could ask..."

I thought for a moment, not sure if I wanted to know, I gave him a shrug as he texted her...after not more than a second he got a ping meaning he had a reply.

"She's going to be with Thor for the time being, she didn't say where."

"I'm going after her..." I started to leave but he moved quickly and stood in front of me, putting his hands on my chest.

"Buck you need to back off of her...I'm serious."

"So what am going to do for over a month without her, just sit around?"

He gave me a look, and I narrowed my eyes right back at him.

"We have some things we can do, were Avengers, remember...let's get back to work."

--- Thor's Point of View ---

I walked up to her as she as sitting on a moss covered wall outside.

"You made the right choice...so, where do you want to go, I can, literally take you anywhere in the immediate galaxy if you with."

She turned to face me, wiping away her tears as she did so, but her expression was lighter and held more joy, making me smile.

"I have never been...off of earth... I've got time, where do you want to go?"

--- Your Point of View ---

(Six Week's Later)

You were shivering as you sat on the edge of the tub – you were staying in New Asgard with Thor, looking at the positive test confused – this is impossible – you were on birth control... maybe it happened when he had you in the shower.

Thor walked in looking at you confused, you turned more towards him and showed him the test.

"What does that mean...what is this?"

"It's an earth pregnancy test, that plus sign, it means...I'm pregnant..."

"But we haven't done anything together..."

"Yeah it's not yours..."

Slowly it dawned on him – it took way to long however.


"Yeah Bucky..." I whispered nodding.

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now