I'll Break You

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--- Your Point of View ---

It took only a moment to get your food and you decided to do what you planned.

You instantly started eating in front of him, not being dainty or lady light at all.

And you were not being fake about that either, you really were fucking hungry, ravenous even.

You never ate at the compound because the hunger kept you focused at all time, only when you were home, safe, did you let down your guard, relax and eat.

But right now your normal body function took over and you were insatiable.

After a moment you looked up, expecting to see disinterest, surprise or even disgust on this handsome face.

You stopped and swallowed when you saw none of the those, there was an expression there but you couldn't quite read it.


You asked it gently, because he was slowly eating and giving you a look.


He smirked and fucking butterflies or...cheetahs or something went off in your stomach. That had to be the sexiest look ever on anyone you had ever seen.

Somehow you played it cool.

"No it's something, tell me."

He smirked again and set down his fork taking a long sip of water.

"I'm not sexist I swear, it's just nice to see a girl eating, it always confuses me how women seem to eat so little - at least that has been my experience and observation - and even now with some girls I dated - even in this decade, same thing - it's like some women are scared to eat a lot in front of men they date."

'Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.' You brain internally screamed.

He blushed ever so slightly and looked down.

"So your saying you like a girl with an appetite?"

Yes you knew that's what he meant, you were just so upset and shocked that your brilliant plan didn't seem to work.

"In a round about way yes, I'm not looking for a frail dainty partner, I'm a super soldier, I need someone that can handle me... handle what I give them."

You damn near choked on your potato at that sexual undertone. Your guard was down so you felt like more of yourself than normal.

"Are you rough with your women?"

His blue yes looked up, narrowed and then widened in surprise at your tone of voice you were guessing. He leaned in and whispered slightly.

"Shit I can be baby, are you alright with that?"

There as a term that up until now you had never used, never understood, never really even thought about.

Revenge fucking.

You had no idea where the thought and idea came from, maybe it was because even though this man killed your brothers right in front of you.

He was strong, powerful, dauntless and 100% red blooded male. Sitting there he was radiating raw power and sex appeal.

You were a Reaper of Chaos but you were still female, and a new idea of forming in your mind, you had the gut feeling that you were not going to simply shake James Barnes off. So you had to come up with a plan F.

"I'm fine with it, however I have a tendency to misbehave and be defiant Buck."

His eyes narrowed dangerously.

"I'll break you of that."

"You can try..."

You looked away and contained to eat, figuring out your next move.

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now