Come After

386 20 7

Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

--- Your Point of View ---

You had never imagined a man like Steve Roders as being anything maternal – but he was cooing and smiling at your baby, walking around and talking absolute nonsense to her, and she was beaming at him – clearly loving the attention.

"Can I take her to the porch...she keeps looking at the window." He asked, you couldn't help but smile – you knew that he was no danger to your Amberle.


"I wont keep her out long." He grabbed a banket off of the couch and bundled her up a little and he walked outside, thought the window you saw him sit in the rocking chair and started rocking with her.

"He seems to be quite a caring man – clearly cared about you and your little girl, but I can tell he is different from our Steve – darker, maybe have a bit more tragedy than our Steve did."

Wide eyed you looked over at Thor standing beside you watching Steve.

"I never knew this timelines Steve, so I don't know if I can agree with you or not."

He looked at you thoughtfully, that shocked you.

"Huh, you really didn't know him did you?" Smiling you shook your head.

"I've met a few avengers, but Tony, Steve and Natasha are ones I'll never get to least not in this timeline."

"Who do you love?"

That threw you for a curve and your stomach dropped off a cliff, you took a few deep breaths to steady yourself.

"Both of them."

He let out a stifled laugh.

"You can't love two men at the same time."

"Yes you can, I just love them different."

"Fair enough, but who do you want to be with as far as a forever partner?"

Honestly the answer was the same, you wanted them both, but you had a feeling that Steve and Bucky really wouldn't be cool with a polyamorous couple.

"They both have there good and bad points." You knew that you were floundering and you were grateful when Thor didn't press the matter.

"I would never interfere, but with how wonderful Steve is, there is something weird about him, I can't put my finger on it – and I have a gut feeling that you sense it as well, even thought you are hiding your own thoughts from it."

You were speechless, because you couldn't put your finger on it but – yes as much as you loved him, there is something weird and off about him.

Thor leaned over putting his arm around your shoulder and gave you a very gentile kiss on the temple.

"Go out and be with him and your daughter." He gently pushed you forward, and the feeling of uneasiness faded as you left out the door.

He smiled up at you.

"Thank you for letting me hold her for a while, honestly when she was growing in you I couldn't wait to hold her – I'm happy that she is now here."

"I am to."

"Was the birth hard?"

No one had really asked you that, not with the induction of voice that Steve was using, that held worry and care.

"It was, I was in labor for a while, it was painful."

The hairs stood up on the back of your neck, and you couldn't stop your face from showing how you were feeling, you took three quick breaths.

"What is it."

"Someone is watching us...take her back inside."

Without questing Steve did as you asked, you looked up at the hillside, just in time to see Bucky walking down the pathway.

You walked down the steps and made a move to greet him, you were not shocked to see him, he was a man in every way, a man that would come after his offspring.  

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now