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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

--- Your Point of View ---

You realized that you felt like you were losing your mind, and not in a joke or a fun way. Like you really kind of had the idea of running into the night naked and screaming – because that would be less awkward than this moment.

Having both your husband and the father of your daughter – part time lover per say, sitting beside you – fucking hell.

You allowed yourself to be distracted because you were starving, you ate a sandwich quietly. After  a while they both removed their hands and you felt like you could breath better, like the air had suddenly cleared.

"I'm sorry we haven't had much time to talk and get to know one another."

"It's okay, my, our timeline Steve is gone."

You watched as Steve seemed to think over his response, then slowly put down the chip he was about to eat and fixed Bucky with a look.

"I know, but as far as I know our timeless up until the war are the same – so it's been hard to not try and talk to you Bucky."

You were shocked when you saw something pass in Bucky's expression.

You looked between them, realizing that this was something that you were not a part of, you had grown up in the age of Ultron and The Blip – so you never really had any close friends – honestly the only one you would consider a friend on the moment is Thor.

"Does that metal arm hurt?"

Attention was turned to Love, who was shyly looking at Bucky.

"No sweetheart, not at all."

"It look's cool." She smiled.

"Thank you Love."

You all looked up and towards the back room when Amberle let out a cry.

Both Bucky and Steve started to stand up but you stood up faster and held up your hand.

"That's her cry for me...please continue eating."

Quickly you left the room and walked to your infant daughter, you looked down in the crib, you were so shocked how small she was, you had been reassured so many times that it was alright, but you couldn't wait to see her get a bit bigger.

You picked her up and she stopped fussing.

"That's my girl."

Slowly you walked around the room, had hadn't really given much thought to becoming a mother, so this was all strange to you.

There was a knock at the open door, you saw Bucky standing in the doorway, looking around with an unsure expression.

"Can I get closer to her?" He asked gently.

The moment he asked you felt like an immense asshole, not just the question but his tone of voice.

"Yes...come see and hold your daughter."

Without any hesitation he walked over and held out his arms for her, gently you moved her into his arms, making she was against his flesh arm – she seemed to prefer that position with her dad.

He looked down and studied her.

"She look's like me you know, when I was a baby?"



"I've never seen a baby picture of you."

"I'm sure the people in Wakanda could find it."

You actually wanted to see that, to be a comparison side by side.

He looked up at you, his blue eyes holding a staggering about of anguish, changing from the adoration it held looking at our daughter.

"Are you ever going to come home to me?" The way he said it...the softness of his tone, the longing, it was a question that hurt me more than it should.

"I don't know..."

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now