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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts, and swearing.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Your Point of View ---

"You passed out a little bit too...maybe that explains the gap in your memory." It was wrong and you knew that it was wrong. You were going to gaslight him.

He gave you a hopeful and confused look.

"You grabbed hard on my hips to steady yourself." You clarified.

You knew instantly by his expression that he bought what you had just said, you felt like an awful person gaslighting him like this - but you were terrified of him finding out what you did.

"What are we going to do today?"

You asked to distract him, he seemed to refocus and forget what happened, he moved over and grabbed a blanket from a chair and wrapped it around you he moved so the both of you were now laying on the bed.

"What would you like to do?" His tone of voice was playful.

It hit you all at once that this was the first real time off you have had in years. What he did to you aside -

You tilted your head and looked at him closer, you realized that this was a different side of him.

You wondered what he was like when he was young, back in the 1940's, he wasn't always The Winter Soldier, he wasn't always wounded like he was, used and hurt.

You found yourself wondering what kind of man Bucky really is.

"As the women don't I need to make the food this morning?"

He tilted his head and gave you a curious look, thinking it over he was smart enough to get at what you were thinking.

"I know things are different now, and I am still getting used to this time, would...would you be so apposed to a traditional marriage?"

Something caught in your throat at the mention of the word 'marriage', but you thought about what he had asked in spite of how off center it made you.

"Honestly no..." You replied softly.

"Interesting..." He purred, he was about to say something else but his attention was turned elsewhere. It was then that you heard a sound, it was familiar, but you couldn't place it.


You realized it was his mechanical wings, you instantly grabbed some clothes and put them on, and Bucky did the same.

"Hey Buck."

He stood awkwardly in front of you, seeing you finishing getting dressed, and watched as Bucky slowly put on a shirt, was it wrong that you loved how sexy his metal arm looked on him.

"Sorry man, am I interrupting something?"

"Clearly Sam, why are you bothering me? I thought I made it clear that I needed some time away from the compound."

Sam turned his attention to you and smiled, you gave him a shy smile.

"Bucky something has come up, can I borrow you for just a few hours, maybe a day at most?" He turned his attention to you.

"May I borrow him?" You have him a shocked look.

"Is it up to me?"

Bucky turned and gave you a look as well, his blue eyes were speculative and thoughtful. Fuck those eyes could make you melt.

"Actually it kind of is, would you be alright for a while alone?"

"I'm a big girl Bucky."

"I'm not implying that you are not...wouldn't you miss me to much." He teased, you narrowed your eyes at him and then glanced over at Sam.

"He's all yours."

"I'll be right back doll."

Bucky moved quickly and before you could even respond he pulled you into his arms and kissed you deeply. He kept kissing you until Sam cleared his throat, you turned away blushing as they left.

You were honestly glad to be left alone for a moment, getting up you went to the stove and started pulling things out to cook, when you sensed something - not sure how you knew - but you knew.

"Do the two of you want breakfast? Because whatever it is that you are going to tell me you can tell me after I eat."

You turned and saw Thor and Loki standing in the middle of the room.

"I have a feeling that you two caused something to go wrong, leading Sam to come get Bucky and to me being left alone."

"Are we that transparent?" Loki questioned, his tone of voice was arrogant even when he was trying to see funny.

"Fuck sakes..." You muttered under your breath, turning to make some food so you could deal with whatever was about to come your way.

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now