Hello Doll

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Steve's Point of View ---

Tony had taught me some things, and with ease I patched into the security feed on their craft, I started mine and I set mine to follow a half a mile behind.

I leaned back, listening to what was going on, I couldn't see her.

"Is everything alright? I heard you were not coming back to the compound."

I recognized the voice as Sam's.

"I'm going back to Wakanda right away..." I didn't' like the worried and low tones that Bucky was using, he seemed worried and scared, I felt my heart rate start to rise.

"What is going on Buck?"

"Her and the baby seem to be struggling, she is pale and is shivering, she is constantly hungry – I was warned about this."


"I know, fuck this is all my fault."

"You have done nothing to hurt her."

"Yeah I was the one that got her pregnant, she is in this position because of me."

I shut off the line, I didn't want to be tracked and I heard all that I needed to, again I knew that Wakanda was the safest place for her, they could help her.

But I also knew that in Wakanda was hard to get into, and I hated the idea of being cut off from my wife.

I took a deep breath and thought of the word again. 'My wife.' That is what she is, my wife. She was mine.

I was thinking about what to do after our child is born, I knew that nothing, not even Bucky or The Winter Soldier would stop me from getting her back.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

When I walked back I saw that she had eaten all of the trail mix.

"Doll." I asked worried, I started to lean down and kiss her cheek, she looked up at me with her eyes but didn't turn her head.

"What is going on...talk to me?"

"I'm scared."

"Shit..." I moved quickly, undressing down naked, she looked up at me confused.

"I'm just going to hold you; you are still shivering and I want to warm you up."

She gave me a look as I pulled back the blankets and laid down next to her, she was facing me, burying her head in my chest she took a few deep breaths as I held her, after a while her shivering slowed down.

"Are you ever going to let me see Steve again?"

My whole body started to tense up at that.

"What do you mean, why are you thinking of him?" I couldn't really get my temper in aliment with my better reasoning, and my tone was extremely defensive.

I could feel my darker side come out, I didn't fight it, I just let him take over.

She looked up at me and my heart melted at her beautiful eyes and soft and sad expression.

"I know you hate him; I know he took me from you, but I still care about him...I'm still."

"His wife..." I finished for her, she inhaled deeply and said nothing against it.

"Do you still love him?"

"It's complicated."

"Do you love me."

"It's just as complicated." She muttered gently – I could literally see the pain in her face, I could tell that deep down she was conflicted – and it broke my heart.

I didn't want to ask her what that meant, I think the answer would hurt me, I shifted my body and she spread her legs, letting me get on top of her, her thighs cradling me.

Leaning down I put my lips near her, simply hovering and no dropping down for the kiss, I was less than half an inch from her lips.

She let out a whimper and I was rewarded with her leaning her head up and kissing me. I interlocked my fingers with hers and raised them above her head, as I felt him taking over.

"Soldier?" She questioned, her voice trembled.

"Hello doll." My voice, very deep replied.  

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now