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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

"Why are you not with her?" Sam questioned, I was in the training room, working with a punching bag.

I stopped and put my hands on either side of the punching bag and looked at him.

"I...I don't know."

"She is carrying your child, and it is difficult for her, are you sure this is the time to be keeping her at a distance, she needs support. I think she needs you now more than ever."

I leaned my head against the punching bag deeply breathing, I had been going at this for a few hours, even a Super Soldier can get to the point of exhaustion.

"She is married Sam, married to that Steve, how can I be with her now, she made vows, and he is refusing to recant them."

"Did you ever think that he took advantage of her, that he used her sadness and vulnerability to seduce her, you scared the shit out of her. You need to repair your relationship, not just for you but for your daughter. You are going to be a fucking Dad Bucky. She is not going to forgive you unless you earn her love back."

He was right, I knew he was right and it pissed me off, he came over and gently pushed me back from the punching bag.

"Go get cleaned up, you smell bad, and go you her, give her love and attention, don't be a dumbass."

I shook my head at him, with a sigh I walked past him, to the showers.

--- Your Point of View ---

"Hey wake up doll, please"

You were being gently shaken awake, you opened your eyes and looked at Bucky, you were expecting Steve but you didn't mind seeing Bucky.


He gave you a smile.

"Hi...here eat this." He handed me what looked like a protean bar, I took a bite, it tasted like chocolate fudge.

"This tastes good."

"Shuri said you need to have two a day, she is making the flavors of Cheesecake, Vanilla, and Orange Cream as well as some others, so you don't get bored, you are also going to eat normal meals... you have lost weight doll."

You finished the bar and looked at him shocked.

"How, I have a baby growing in me..." You paused. "Is my metabolism really speeding up that fast?"


Tears started to come to your eyes, worry filled your heart, and you pulled away from him, he didn't let you and drew you closer.

"Shh, don't cry, talk to me, tell me what the tears are for? Are you in pain." Gently using his thumb, he whipped the tears from your cheek, you turned into his touch.

"I'm not in pain, it's just - this is scary, am I in danger Buck? Will having your child kill me in the end? Is that why you are taking care of me?"

"Fuck doll." With a quick movement he gathered you in his arms, you all but crawled in his lap, he cuddled you against his chest kissing the top of your head and shoulder.

"You are not going to die, when the baby comes, you are going to live through it, I'm so sorry this is happening to you, I didn't mean to impregnate you. This is my fault, and you and our daughter are my top priority."

You pulled back and looked at him, he leaned forward and kissed you, you kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck.

When he deepened the kiss you allowed it, you were not sure how long you kissed each other, but soon you had to come up for air.

He put his forehead against yours.

"We haven't kissed like that in a while...I liked that." You nuzzled into his neck, kissing his throat. The familiar smell of him made you feel at ease.

--- Steve's Point of View ---

I was watching this through the front of my cockpit window, how he was holding her, she was crying, and I desperately wanted to know what about, when I saw them kiss I had to look away.

This was fucking torture to me, I couldn't go back to my own timeline, and I was in love with a girl in this time, but she was carrying my best friend's daughter.

Trust me the guilt is somewhat eating away at me, I never wanted to hurt Bucky, regardless of if he isn't my timelines Bucky.

She didn't know about my past, and if she did I was sure she would never forgive me, or want to see me again.

The smart thing I could do was leave her alone, let her be with Bucky, and let them start their family, but I am a selfish son of a bitch, and I wasn't going to let him have her. I wondered if I could get her back to my timeline – or at least a different timeline, therefore cutting Bucky off from her. 

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now