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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Your Point of View ---

You woke up sometimes early dawn, the air was cool and you could smell the reeds along the river Nile, you got up, dressing in a simply flowy pants and a tank top, and went into the front room thinking you would go get some food.

Your eyes went wide, and you stopped in your tracks at seeing Loki standing there, you didn't scream, mostly because him being there didn't exactly scare you, it was just surprising.

"Can I help you?"

"You married him?"

There was no anger in his voice, but you did see a smirk and amusement in his eyes.

"Yes, why are you here Loki, I thought you were staying out of things – what are you up to trickster." You teased, he gave you his wide mouth smile, almost barring his teeth at you.

"Oh I am, I'm just here to make a point of sorts."

You tilted your head and gave him what had to be a worried expression, but he didn't show any reacting emotions.

"What kind of a point..."

You jumped a little at hearing stumbling in the bedroom you realized that Steve was up, he walked into the room and let out a gasp, turning to glace at your husband you saw that he was dressed in just slacks and nothing else.

"Oh uh, hi Loki, morning, what are you doing here?"

"I need your help with something..."

"Okay what can I help you with?"

Loki's eyes snapped over to you, and you saw something in them that made you get scared and uneasy.

He waved his hand and on the floor was Thor's hammer Mjolnir, your eyes widened, you had read in classified files that Steve was seen as worthy as was able to pick up the hammer – and moreover, how did Loki now have it? Should you ask?

Steve looked confused.

"You are one of the few people who can pick it up, I need help moving it, can you..."

You watched in somewhat fascinated terror as Steve walked up and made a move to pick it up, putting both of his hands on it he pulled hard.

It didn't move, it didn't even budge

Letting out a grunt and a laugh he tried again, after a few more tries he gave up.

"I'm sorry Loki, I think you are going to have to get your brother for this one..." There was a playful joking in Steve's voice.

You were happy that he was facing away from you because you realized you must of have a horrified look on your face.

Loki gave you a look that said everything, then turned and smiled at Steve.

"It was worth a try, I'm happy to see that she and the baby are healthy, I'll be in touch."

With that he almost seemed to blink out of existence.

You were so shocked that you turned around when Steve did and focused on something on the wall, you jumped a little when you felt Steve's arms wrap around you.

"Morning..." He leaned his head down and kissed your shoulder. "That was weird."

"Yeah, Loki can be like that some time."

You were shocked at how steady and calm your voice sounded.

"Let's get some breakfast, I bet the two of you are hungry." He put his hand on your baby bump, you closed your eyes at his touch.

This was your husband, the man that you had tied yourself to, you knew that you loved him explicitly and irrevocably but...why couldn't he hold Mjolnir?

You knew the answer, this Steve, your Steve, wasn't worthy. And that terrified you.

'Fucking Loki', you mentally bitched, thinking about what he had just done, yeah, he had made one hell of a fucking point.

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now