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Thank you so much for reading and commenting, it means more to me than you know and helps inspire me to keep on writing. XOXO

Chapter Warning: Sexual content and Possible Trigger Warning.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I walked back into the headquarters only to see Sam leaving, I stopped him by standing in front of him.

"Oh, how was your date with Vicky?"

His voice was dripping with sarcasm and I could see how disappointed he was just by looking at him, I didn't really want to get into that right now.

"Where the hell did Thor take her?"

"Take who...woah he took her somewhere?" He gasped realizing who I was talking about.

"Yeah he took her right from the parking lot. What was he doing here?"

"He was just checking in with Earth saying that he was going to be staying here for a while - he did ask quite a bit about her, he seemed very keen on her."

"Keen on her, your fucking kidding?"

"I'm not kidding, she's very beautiful, intelligent and stunning, why wouldn't he be, besides aren't you interested in Vicky?"

"I don't want into that..."

I walked farther into the building, anger basically coming off of me.

"Are you not going home?"

I didn't look directly at Sam, I replied to him over my shoulder.

"She has to come back at some time and I'm going to wait for her."

"Your serious? I don't know what you are doing to her or what game you are playing but you need to either go for her or leave her alone...night Buck."

Sam laughed shaking his head.

I sighed I turned the couch that was in the entry way of the building towards the window looking out into the parking lot - then I laid down on it, laying on my back looking up at the celling, trying to cool my temper.

--- Your Point Of View ---

You woke up in the arms of Thor as he was carrying you, you looked around, surprised that you were still on earth.

You recognized that you were in Norway - where the Asgard's stayed.

"You can put me down now."

You looked up at him he merely glanced down at you with a smirk but continued walking.

"I like carrying you."

"What are you going to do to me?"

"'re not exactly a threat."

"But I am a Reaper Of Chaos."

"Perhaps but still not a threat, I have looked into you, I'm sorry for the pain that I have caused you, directly and indirectly..."

You gasped at how simple and candid he was talking to you.

"Ok...uh, then why kidnap me."

"Kidnap? Hardly, we are just having a conversation in private, I'll take you back."

"You really had to take me to fucking Norway to do that."

He smirked.

"That metal arm guy would have gotten in the way of our conversation."

"Bucky, Thor, his name is Bucky."

You were more than a little annoyed that he didn't even know Bucky's name, you mean... he's Steve's best friend for fuck sakes.

"Does Bucky know that he killed your brothers."

You felt your entire body seem to go sober - and you were not even drunk.

"How did you know about that?"

"Loki seemed very interested in your path..."

He said it so offhanded that you mentally had to do a double take at what he said.

"Isn't Loki dead?"

"You never know with my brother, time is... nonlinear."

"Oh like that makes sense, put me the fuck down." You grumbled.

He finally did setting you on a rock wall before sitting in front of you.

"I know who you are and you must be made aware that if I do anything I will be forced to stop you."

You said nothing, you had no idea what was the proper thing to say during something like this. You knew better than to taunt him by saying something like 'you can try to stop me.'

He continued.

"Also Bucky is going to find out what he did with you - that is an inevitability, and someone as smart as you knows that."

"I know, believe me I know." You grumble.

"Look as I said, time is nonlinear and you need to be careful when it comes to Bucky... he can be very unpredictable."

There was a warning in his voice, something that made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.

"Thor...why do I get the feeling there is a lot you are not telling me?"

He looked guilty.

"I am not your enemy..."

Your stomach rumbled, distracting you. This conversation was too weird and cryptic, and it was making you uncomfortable - you just wanted to take a mental break from everything for a second.

"I was about to get some dinner, since you took me away from my home you could at least feed me." l bargained.

With a sigh he stood up.

"I'm sure there is something to eat around here."

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now