Thin Air

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Your Point of View ---


You got up and stumbled a little bit as you ran to the window. Tears started to go down your cheeks as you wrapped your arms around his neck, he wrapped his around you and picked you up.

You missed him, you fucking missed him, and him being this close made you feel at ease, it was such a shock at how unsettled you had been since you left this side.

"You came after me, I missed you so much."

"I miss you still, and you knew I would follow you, you saw me, I told you, we are together in this forever baby and I am not letting the two of you go."

Your heart soared at his words.

You didn't care that he was 'this timeless Steve' and that he might be a little more darker and dangerous than our Steve.

To be more than fair you never met this timelines Steve, you only knew the other timeless Steve, and you loved that Steve, even thought a part of you knew that it was wrong you still loved him.

"I can't stay long baby girl, are you alright? What did they say? I was listening in on what was going on in Bucky's aircraft."

You blushed, had he heard that you had been physical with Bucky. Being so in tune with what you were feeling he guessed at what was making you bashful.

"Ease, I don't blame you for being with him – you do what you have to, when we get together again you might be a little bit punished for it, what matters is that you are alright, now, what did they say about you being sick?"

You cleared your throat and pulled back just a little.

"Um, they said that my body is adapting to better handle having a super soldier's baby, so they are going to make me a high calorie bar that I will eat daily."

You heard him let out a sign, you pulled back and looked at him, you could tell by his expression that he really had been worried, and it seemed like a huge weight lifted off of him.

"Thank god... baby..." He stopped mid-sentence and looked up at the door.

"I'll be here, you will not be able to see me but I am here, and I am always watching, he's coming."

He always had amazing hearing, you guessed that it was a super soldier thing.

He pushed you back and you saw him walk off the balcony, you let out a little bit of a yelp when he seemingly disappeared in thin air.

It took you a moment to realize that he had walked into a cloaked hovercraft, but still, watching him vanish was unsettled and hurt your brain.

You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to get hold of your emotions, you half wanted to beg him to take you away.

But you were so deeply conflicted that you held back, you cared and loved Bucky deeply, and you could even see yourself loving The Winter Soldier side of him.

But you were a married woman, you were Steve Rodgers wife.

Fuck this is just, a horrible impasse of a situation.

You recentered your emoting and overall thinking and started to focus again on your baby and keeping her safe.

The door opened and you had to control yourself and got control of yourself in just the nick of time.

You turned and smiled at Bucky, he gave you a curious look, his expression was suddenly filled with worry.

"You okay doll? What are you doing at the balcony doors."

Yeah like you were going to tell him about Steve, you were amazed that you didn't even miss a beat and covered what you had been doing.

"Yeah, just looking at the city, this is a beautiful view."

"Yes it I, but you shouldn't be up and about yet, please come back to bed." He asked – very firmly, you did as you were told, and the moment that you were back in bed he handed you the food tray and put it across your lap, you were starving, and it smelled wonderful.

"Eat then get some rest, I'll be back in a little bit..."

You pouted at him, he smiled and shook his head gently, and gave you a soft loving expression.

"Don't give me that look, eat and then get some sleep."

He left the room and you started to eat your Eggs Benedict, you felt a chill up your spin, he was watching you, you swallowed.

Your body was adapting, and you wondered if you were starting to have Super Soldier heightened senses... was that even possible? If it was, things were going to get more...interesting.   

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now