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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Steve's Point of View ---

I narrowed my eyes at her, it was troubling me that something inside me told me that I KNEW her but I couldn't remember, it was infuriating and I really wasn't in the mood for that.

"I was told not to talk to strangers." I deadpanned looking at her with eyes narrowed.

"I'm not here to start trouble." She said it with a smirk.

I scoffed at her rolling my eyes.

"I find that hard to believe but ill indulge you, what do you want to talk to me about, Sylvie is it?"

"That's me, sadly I am the reason so many deviations of the timeline, sorry about that – it wasn't my intention to pull you from yours, but I can't undo it, all that aside, I am here against my better judgement to offer you a warning."

That got my attention.

"A warning? A warning about what? I hate when people are cryptic." I muttered more to myself but she heard me, her expression did not change.

She let out a sigh and seemed to almost be searching for the words to say. "Steve... you can't let her stay with Mr. Barnes, you really need to get her away from him.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Trust me it isn't my choice by and stretch of the imagination to have her stay with him, I hate the fact that we are separated, but she ultimately made the choice..."

"That's not what I meant; I am talking about her safety."

Now I really didn't like the fluctuation of the tone of her voice just then.

"What do you mean? She is in no danger here, Wakanda is one of the saftest places there is."

She looked away, she was hesitating to continue, I wanted to force it out of her but I took a few deep breaths and let her continue.

"Yes Wakanda is one of the safter places for her, this place isn't the danger for her."

Things started to click "Are you saying Bucky is the danger?"

"The Winter Soldier...he..." She stopped mid-sentence.

I stood up and walked forward, she stepped back, I realized that at times I could be more than a little bit intimidating.

"The Winter Soldier what?" I growled at her.

"I'm hesitant to say too much, I have already done so much damage, let's just say that Mr. Barnes doesn't have much control over that dark side of his – he has some at the moment and is somewhat tempered, but at some point she is going to provoke him and it's going to tip him over the edge."

Dread started to feel my very soul at hearing her say that I got sick to my stomach, something that never happens.

"He kills her?"

"I can't say more, just please get her away from him."

An orange door appeared behind her and stepped thought without answering my question, I was looking directly at her, her silence and expression told me I was right.

I had a feeling that she was trying to warm me – that The Winter Soldier was going to harm her at some point – or worse, he is going to kill her.

--- Your Point of View ----

You woke up on your stomach and you felt something pressing you down.

"Morning...you look so defenseless when you sleep, I like that."

The deep voice and the fact that he grabbed your hair pinning you more, The Winter Soldier had come out to play.

"You going to let me have some fun for once?" He questioned making you moan. 

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now