Running Away

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships, and using someone for sexual pleasure, that could be a trigger warning for someone.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Steve Point of View ---

I hated telling Buck that he couldn't see her, but I had to remind myself that it wasn't Bucky, it was The Winter Soldier.

He stormed off out of the room, I was odd seeing him this upset, he really did love her...the monster in him really did love her. I was told a lot about her, how she was a member of The Reapers of Chaos – I didn't mind hearing that when I found out Bucky had killed her brothers.

She was an enigma to me, and she didn't seem like a radical.

I looked up and saw that he left the building, my eyes narrowed at his movements, there was a noticeable tenseness to his shoulders.

I felt my body rise up quickly, something was wrong, I have been though enough in my life to know that something was going down.

I got up and ran upstairs, I was stopped by Shuri on the steps.

"Is something wrong? How did the talk with Mr. Barnes go?"

"I didn't go good, I think he is going to try something. No, I am sure that he is going try something, sooner rather than later."

I kept on moving up the steps with her beside me.

"Can you get me an aircraft and some supplies, enough to escape with her in tow...quickly."

She didn't say anything but I heard her use some form of communication device and basically commanded what I ask for, she followed me up to her room.

"Can you get them to land or hover over her balcony."

"That's a tall order but yes."

I ran into her bedroom, I saw that she was still hooked up to a monitor, I ran to her bed side and picked her up, she looked at me worried and shocked as I held her.

"What are you doing Steve?!" she cried out, I didn't really have time to explain to her.

"You are in danger."

"From who."

I didn't want to answer that, but I knew that she was.


"He wont hurt me."

"Are you sure that The Winter Soldier wouldn't?"

She opened her mouth to protest but closed it, I could see that she was thinking, she looked down and said nothing.

I looked up and saw a nice hovercraft, Wakandan style, mid-size and it landed right at the edge of the huge balcony, a pilot came out the back of it when a small ramp drive.

He came over to me and handed me a satchel.

"There is money, contact numbers in here, this aircraft has stealth tech so you should be free and clear."

"Thank you."

I took it and held it as I carried her onto the aircraft, I quickly moved her to

We both looked to the back of the aircraft when we heard what can only be described as a 'ruckus' from the building. She let out a whimper when she heard gunfire.

"Steve what is that..."

"I think that is The Winter Soldier, gone rouge... that is our cue to go."

I closed the back of the plane and after a moment of messing with the controls I took us off high into the sky, and left the safety barrier of Wakanda.

I heard her let out an annoyed sigh, I looked over at her, she had curled up in the front seat with her legs pulled up to her chest.

"I really hate being taken like this, even if it is for my own good."

"That is understandable."

"Can you make sure that Bucky is okay, physically..." She cried, my heart ached, I sent a message to Shuri, in a moment she sent a video back, he was stopped but he has escaped.

I looked over at her.

"Where are we going."

I let out a sigh of my own.

"Honestly I don't know, is there anywhere you want to go?"  

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now