Break Her Heart

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Author's Note: Thank you all so much for reading, I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.


--- Sam's Point of View ---

Hawkeye cleared his throat gently, making me look over at him, I was sitting on a desk chair looking over some paperwork on Russia.

"Do you think it is wise for Bucky to start dating?"

Odd question but alright.

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"Because he is kind of...I don't know..."

Without words I knew what he was getting at, but I still sighed and stood up, leaning against the glass wall of the office.

"Look Bucky has his issues but he has been working hard at them - and the guy deserves some happiness in his life." I defended.

"I think my issue isn't with him, it's the girl he picked."

"What's wrong with her?"

"Nothing, she's very sweet, almost innocent at least as far as I can tell."

"Are you're afraid he might corrupt her..."

Hawkeye gave me a serious pointed look.

"No I'm afraid Bucky is going to hurt her."

I narrowed my eyes at him at that comment, with a sigh I sat down on the chair closer to him, fixing him with a serious gaze.

"Isn't that the same thing?"

"No, I don't think Bucky would ever harm a women willingly, I'm scared he will break her heart."

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I could tell even more now that she was hiding something.

Did she really not have any family? That was going to be what I would be looking into first - where did she come from, was she all alone?

I drummed my fingers on my bionic arm absently on the table - I did like her though, secrets aside I was really attracted to her.

Unlike most people that I know, and I'm not just talking about women, I could tell that she was in complete control of herself.

And that intrigued me more than anything, it was deliberate, practiced.

I saw she was looking at my Bionic arm and I became self-conscious about it and set it down in my lap again.

I knew that women in this decade were very self sufficient and that was fine by me. I wanted to make it clear that this was a date and that I would be taking care of her as long as she was with me.

I hoped she didn't think that I was disrespectful for insisting upon it, this felt like an odd first date.

"I know this is odd, and I did kind of forced you into this."

"You don't say..."

I looked up and she gave me a very sexy bemused smirk, I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Would it be odd for me to ask you out on a proper date?"

"What do you mean by 'proper date'?" She questioned curiously.

"I picked you up, take you out, return you to your place unharmed..."

She laughed - it was a genuine laugh, very unguarded - I found that I fucking loved it. I smiled at her, but I noticed the laugh didn't reach her eyes - there was something else there.

"Are you laughing at me or the idea of dating me...or both?"

I would be humiliated if it was either of them, let alone both.

"No it's not that...why not. Yes I want to go on a date with you."

I smiled at her.

"So it will be our first date?"

"Yes..." I replied somewhat absently.

"If that is the case then that voids this as an official date, therefore I'm paying for my own meal."

She challenged. I wanted to argue but she kind of out maneuvered me here.

"Can't argue with that logic..."

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now