Red Dress

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol,  and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships, using someone for sexual pleasure, that could be a trigger warning for someone.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

{3 Months Later}

--- Loki's Point of View ---

I was on top of the Egyptian ruins, it was dark and I was watching a large boat, steam style going up the river, the boats name was "Anubis".

Everyone has been looking for them, Bucky, now turned fully back into The Winter Soldier had gone AWOL looking for the two of them.

I ignored everyone, even Thor trying to get a hold of me, I have backed off completely, I saw her go to the stern of the ship and look out onto the water, and I saw Captain fucking America walk up behind her and put his arms around her shoulders.

I had not seen why Bucky snapped at her, and lost control and harmed her on accident because he wasn't in his right mind, I had just know that is what happened in the future – and now I had a sickening feeling that this is the reason why, seeing this level of betrayal would push any sane man over the edge – and Bucky had a very frail grip on his sanity at the moment.

I looked down shaking my head even though she couldn't see, and did my best to pull myself away as I opened a time door and left.

The Winter Soldier was close on there trail, and I knew that soon he would find them.

--- Steve's Point of View ---

This had been her idea, she had wanted to see all the ruins of Egypt and Israel, and so with some money that I had saved and my connections we now basically lived on this steam boat going up and down the River Nile, seeing everything and just enjoying the sun.

I walked up to her, she was looking out over the water, her baby bump had grown, and she was wearing a beautiful red dress.

She looked amazing, with the sun and rest she was getting, she glowed most days, and I finally convinced her that it was okay to wear something a little revealing to help with the heat – that baby bump that she now had wasn't something to hide or be ashamed of.

With what I am sure was a happy smirk I then sauntered right up behind her and wrapped my arms around her, then leaned and kissed her neck.

"We shouldn't...we shouldn't do this Steve."

"I know..." My tone of voice was unapologetic.

--- Your Point of View ---

The air was cold and it was nice having Steve's arms around you in the cool air of the night.

The first month after leaving Wakanda was hard for you, you missed Bucky – even if he was now The Winter Soldier and you and terrible morning sickness for weeks.

But then one night in Israel something changed between the two of you.

While up on a roof top you had told Steve everything, everything from your childhood, how you watched The Winter Soldier kill your twin brothers and how it killed a part of you, and how you joined the Reapers of Chaos to get back of them all.

He didn't judge or get upset the whole time – there was nothing but love and understanding coming from him, when you were done, he started confessing things. This Steve was from another timeline, and it was more different than he had told others, he gave a few details but clearly, he wasn't as noble or as good as your timelines Captain America.

The kiss happened without either one of you initiating it, maybe there was one but it isn't clear who and you were not willing to think to much on it.

You both had fought off the sexual tension that was blatantly there for nearly two weeks, then when you both came to this steam ship on the Nile, the two of you made love, you had cried the whole time and Steve held you in the aftermath letting you cry against him.

He was loving, protective and patient, even though you loved Bucky and The Winter Soldier more than anything and you pulled away from him as much as you could, but you were failing at it.

"Come back to's a bit to cold for the baby and you..."

He was right – the winter nights were colder than summer in this part of the world, you let him lead you gently back to your shared room.

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now