Food and Drink

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

--- Your Point of View ---

You felt yourself start to shiver inside – something that was foreign to you – so foreign in fact that you had no idea how to respond, you never felt your body respond in such a way to him.

It took you a few seconds later to realize what you were feeling was fear – utter fear of him, absurd because you knew that he would never hurt you.

You stopped in front of one another, you could feel your heart racing, it was painful, not just because you were scared of him, but because despite everything you loved this man, deeply – way more than you should.

"Where is she?"

You took in a deep breath – doing your best to make sure that your voice didn't stammer. "It's not a good idea to separate a child from its mother – more or less newborn child."

His eyes narrowed and he tilted his head a little bit.

"Do you really think that I would EVER separate you from our daughter?" He paused for a moment, looking at you with such unhidden hatred that it almost made you stumble back – he had never looked at you like that, it broke your heart. "I'm not like you..."


"You took my newborn away from me, I love her – I didn't even get a chance to hold her."

You looked down, you had the good sense to be ashamed of yourself in this moment.

"I'm sorry."

"A father should hold his child... I apologize for getting to her first."

You jumped and turned, seeing Steve standing there holding Amberle. You stepped back giving them some space, in stunned disbelieve you watched as Steve walked forward and handed her gently to Bucky.

Bucky was so gentile, and you could tell how scared he was, she fit in the palms of his powerful hands.

"She's so small."

"She came a few weeks early – my body was having trouble with the pregnancy, but they said that she is healthy and strong."

I saw him wince a little when I mentioned my body had trouble – but he recovered his expression quickly.

He rocked her a little bit, I exchanged looks with Steve, I wanted to yell at him for not doing as I asked, but I realized that as always, I was submissive when it came to Steve – hell to both of them.

Bucky looked up at me, it shocked me to see tears in his eyes."

"You are amazing – you made such a beautiful little girl, she is perfect."

"Thank you."

"Do you want to come into the cabin, see Thor and his daughter, and we sit down and have a meal in piece." Steve offered.

I saw the rage in Bucky's eyes but something else was behind them.

"Food would be nice – it took a while to get here."

All three of you walked to the cabin and were greeted at the door by a very uneasy looking Thor, he looked at you and you did your best to let him know with your expression that everything was okay – for right now.

"I'm sorry to intrude and give no notice of my arrival, but Steve offered me to stay here and have a meal."

Thor smiled, reaching forward and putting his hand on his shoulder gently.

"Good to see you again Bucky, come on in, we always have plenty of food and drink."

You watched as they all walked into the cabin – choosing to lag behind a bit, Bucky still holding our infant, with unease you walked forward following them, this was a bad idea, it didn't take a genius to realize that this was a very terrible idea. What on earth was Steve thinking?

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now