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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships. 

--- Steve's Point of View ---

I looked down at her sleeping form, she has fallen asleep, I met Bucky's hard gaze, his eyes narrowed even more when I put my hand on her bare shoulder.

"She's exhausted, she hides it well but she is clearly not doing well."

His eyes soften a little as he looked at her as well. Reaching over he moved the hair from her face, touching her so gently.

"You're right, I wonder if she hasn't been sleeping – our daughter seems to be sleeping though the night just fine."

We looked at one another again, I was tired as well but I didn't want to fall asleep yet.

"Why would she bring us together like this?"

He shook his head, I think we were both scared to say it.

"I love her Bucky, that's why I married her."

"And I love her as well Steve, you are not supposed to even be here."

"I know, I'm sorry that the timeline brought me here."

His blue eyes started to show tears, I had never seen him like this, it was scary, he was looking at me with such vulnerability – it made me miss my Bucky.

"Why did you have to take her from me? She is one of the good things in my life, her and my daughter mean the world to me."

I dry swallowed and I felt the guilt start to well up in me, I knew this Bucky had suffered horribly at the hands of Hydra.

"I'm sorry."

"She's going to have to pick between us you know, at some point."

"Why does she?" I questioned, laying down my head on the pillow next to her.

"Because we both love her."

"We could share her."

Bucky let out a barking laugh, then closed his mouth because he risked waking her up. We both looked down at her, she was so passed out she didn't wake up.

"Like, a three way?"

"Like a polygamous relationship, I think that's what it is called."

"I loved my Steve, but I was never attracted to him...and in regard you in that way."

"We don't have to be together, but we could both be with her, I have a suspension that is why she had us all meet here."

I let out a yawn, and in response to seeing me yawn he yawned as well.

"We can accomplish nothing right now while she is asleep, let's get some rest."

"Don't get in the habit of telling me what to do." Bucky grumbled but there was a bit a humor behind his voice, I could tell because my Bucky was the same way.

"Wouldn't dream of it."

--- Your Point of View ---

When you woke up you shivered because you were alone, you sat up after a moment, as memories came back to you, you looked around.

After coming more to your senses, you inhaled deeply, smelling something wonderful and hearing noises coming from the kitchen and front room.

Getting out of bed you put on one of the shirts that was on the dresser, taking a smell of it you realized it was Bucky's.

Slowly and with some trepidation you walked into the kitchen, you saw Bucky cooking something on the stove and Steve holding Amberle and feeding her, he looked up at you and smiled.

"Morning, we decided to let you sleep in." He explained.

"Tea or coffee?" Bucky questioned, you felt like you had stepped into an episode of the twilight zone, they really, and you do mean REALLY shouldn't be getting along with well.

What the hell was going on.

" please."

"Good sit down, we are almost ready to eat, I'll get put her back in her crib." Steve soothed cooing at Amberle as he left the room.

Seriously what the hell had gotten into the two of them?

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now