Few Weeks Ago

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Your Point of View ---

You didn't give anything away and said mostly nothing, but you did ask to be kept away from them for at least 24 hours.

They had taken you to Wakanda, it was as beautiful as the pictures had shown. They had taken you to a hospital room and you were now resting in bed because the doctors had said that you were stressed and needed to relax – and you had a killer view.

You were dressed in a white tank top, and loose white pajama bottoms, you had showered and a nice women did your hair, so you were feeling beautiful.

You were annoyed you were attached to a heart monitor, seriously did they need like 12 wires on you?

You were lost in your own mind with your hand on your lower stomach when the door behind you opened, because of the bed you couldn't see who was coming in.

Someone said your name gently and you looked over to the side, a tall, broad shoulders, blue eyed guy stood there, his blue eyes slowly looked you up and down a focused where your hand rested on your lower belly.

You tilted your head looking at him closely, there was something so recognizable about him.

"Sorry to barge in here like this, actually I shouldn't be here. But when I was told about you I had to come talk to you."

The moment he spoke it hit you, he had longer hair and a beard, but...this was Steve fucking Rogers. But, he was old now... how was he?

'Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.' Your mind screamed.

You screamed and scrambled from the bed, and fell to the floor, Steve moved around the front of the bed and made his way two you, you scrambled again to your feet, still attached to the heart monitor.

"Steve...why on earth are you..." Okoye yelled coming into the room, I looked at them.

"How are you here?" You stammered.

"We wanted to talk to you later about that – but more importantly we wanted to ask Loki about this, he showed up in the outer area a few weeks ago, he's from another timeline, one that destroyed - and he found his way to ours. We have no way to return him to the proper timeline." Shuri walked from the other side of the room; you hadn't even seen her come in.

You got back up on the bed, feeling yourself start to shiver and your heart rate started falling, ok you could deal with this, you took a few deep breaths.

"So is that Bucky's baby he is coming here? When will he be here? I would like to see him, and explained how I got here and why I can't go back – it's time the people who are still here know that I am here now as well." Steve addressed Okoye.

You felt your heart rate pick up at the mention of Bucky, and you were pissed off because this wasn't just HIS baby it was YOURS as well.

"What is it? I knew something was up, your heart rate is picking up when I say Bucky." Shuri asked

You felt the secret start to break from you, and you wiped a tear, turning away from them, you drew a breath, for better or worse, you were going to tell them.

"That isn't Bucky..."

That mad everyone, Steve, Okoye and Shuri quite down and when you turned to face them again, you realized they all were looking at you.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"I'm sorry..." You sobbed. "I didn't think that it would work, and when it did he just gave into it."

"Calm down, explain what you mean." Okoye came forward and put her hand on your shoulder.

You watched as Steve crossed his arm against his chest, giving you a stern look.

"I activated Bucky, I didn't think it would work, but it did, it's like another side of him a different man, and when Thor and Loki took me from him for a while...he gave into The Winter Soldier..."


Steve's booming voice made you jump.

"Steve you should leave."

Steve wasn't having it, he advanced on you.

"Why would you do that to him? Do you have any idea what was done to him? Do you even love the man?"

You heard Okoye call for guards and you couldn't bring yourself to look as they forced Steve from the room.

Shuri put his hand on your back and rubbed it.

"Thank you for finally telling us and trusting us. We knew it was something."

(Later That Night)

It was dark in Wakanda, you were back in bed and looking out the window at the dim lights of the city.

You, Shuri and Okoye had decided that you would keep the fact that he was activated quiet, and see if there was some way you could get the old Bucky back, because as it stands, unless The Winter Soldier willingly goes he's here to stay.

"May I come in? Shuri said I could come back in if I behave myself."

You saw no harm in it.

"Come in Steve."

He walked into the room and you looked over and saw him, he was alarmingly handsome in the dim light of the room as he looked out, two things struck you, one, how scared you really were of this whole situation, and second how you felt safe with Steve in the room, regardless of how he acted before – something that was absurd because you just met him. Was it an Avenger thing?

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